Page 58 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 58


                                                                                         Rabbi Jesse Horn

                                                                                                                                                  the message

                                                                                                                                                         in the
                                                          Al HaNissim


     Located literally opposite Har HaBayit,      he language and structure of the   thriving. The Purim miracle  enabled
     Yeshivat HaKotel was founded in the          text in the Al HaNissim prayers   the Jewish people to avoid annihilation
     aftermath of the Six-Day War, in order to  Trecited  on Chanukah  and         and destruction. At the end of the
     bring high-level Torah learning back to the   Purim are strikingly similar. It is clear   Purim story, they return to their
     newly-liberated Old City of Yerushalayim.    they  are  both  written  with  one  voice:   original and neutral status. Purim
     Learning in this special place helps   The texts have an identical opening,   takes place outside of Israel, where
     students connect deeply with G-d as well as   Al haNissim veAl haPorkan “Because   the goal is survival – exactly what
     to our people's history and future.    of the miracles and the redemption.”   the miracle ensured. Chanukah, by
     Today, Yeshivat HaKotel's program includes   They both continue with a similar   contrast, takes place in Israel, the place
     hundreds of  talmidim – Israelis in the   phrase, “In the days of” and then list   where the Jewish future is destined to
     Hesder program who combine Talmud Torah   the central characters in each prayer’s   be built. It is therefore not surprising
     with IDF service alongside a robust program   respective holiday; Mordechai and   that the Chanukah story ends with a
     for Overseas Students.                 Esther for Purim and Matityahu and     significantly greater climax; namely
                                            the Chashmonaim for Chanukah.          the rededication of the Beit HaMikdash
     Overseas students live and learn alongside                                    and the powerful opportunity that
     Israelis and benefit from English  shiurim   Subsequently, each prayer describes   brings.
     as well as guidance, trips and special   the potential threat, beginning with
     programs that make the year in Israel   the phrase “When they (the villains)   Al  HaNissim   on   Chanukah   is
     especially meaningful.                 stood up.” After describing the threats,   designed to capture the potential

     HaKotel’s  student  body  consists  of  the salvations are described, each    the Jewish people have specifically
                                                                                   when there is a Beit HaMikdash. In
     dedicated Yeshiva High School graduates   beginning with the identical phrase,   light of this understanding, we can
     who focus on Torah study and personal   VeAta BeRachamecha HaRabim, “And      now also appreciate the additional
     spiritual growth. Intensive Gemara learning   you in Your great mercy.”       element found in the Chanukah
     is complemented by a broad curriculum of
     shiurim in Tanach, Machshava, Mussar, and   However,  there  are  also  clear  prayer.  It is designed to  illustrate the
     Halacha.                               differences. The prayer on Chanukah    significance and great importance of
                                            has an extra paragraph demarcated      rededicating the Beit HaMikdash and
     Most importantly, students from HaKotel   with the same phrase  Shem Gadol,   the opportunity to praise and share
     benefit At the personal touch of dedicated   “great name,” in the beginning and   G-d’s great name with the world –
     staff, who get to know each  talmid    LeShimcha HaGadol, “Your great         LeShimcha HaGadol.
     personally and help each forge his unique   name,” at the end, describing how
     path in Avodat Hashem.                 the Jews retook and entered the Beit   Based upon this, one may further
                                            HaMikdash, cleaned and purified it     explain why the miracle of Chanukah
                                                                                   is  celebrated by placing  candles  by  a
                                            and established Chanukah.
                                                                                   window projecting outwards, perhaps
                                            Why does the Chanukah  text contain    recalling Jewish responsibility to be an
                                            this additional section? Additionally,   Or LaGoyim, a light upon the nations
                                            when  explaining  the  salvation,  the   and share G-d’s great name with the
               Yeshivat HaKotel                                                    world.
               +972-2-628-8175              Chanukah text is significantly more
             descriptive, offering more detail in the    military victory than the Purim text
                                            does. Why?                             Rabbi  Jesse  Horn  is  a  Senior  Ram  (Rosh
                                                                                   Metivta) at Yeshivat HaKotel and the
                                            Purim is a story of Jewish survival    Director of the Mizrachi/Yeshivat HaKotel
                                            while Chanukah is one about a nation   Mechanchim program
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