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P. 61


                   WHEN SEVENTY ISN’T SEVENTY:
 The Secret of               NUMBERS IN THE TORAH

           Raising Good        Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman, Bar-Ilan University

 Jewish Children  t times, the Torah’s use of   summary tally figures for each of   are seven (46:25). Those of Rachel

             numbers seems puzzling to
      Aour  modern  sensitivities,  and     the four matriarchs – a clear pattern   total 14 (46:22). Those of Leah (30;
                                            emerges: the number of descendants
                                                                                   46:15) and of Zilpah (16; 46:18) total
      perhaps nowhere more than when        of Rachel (14; Gen. 46:20–21) is double   49. The message that emerges is that
      the Torah states that 70 descendants   the number of descendants of her      the “whole” of Israel represented a
      of Jacob went down to Egypt and lists   handmaid, Bilhah (seven; 46:23–24).   “significant” contingent – it “counts”
      the names of each (Gen. 46:8–27). The   Similarly, the number of Leah’s      70 individuals. Moreover, it is
      number of names listed and the final   descendants (32; 46:9–14) is likewise   significant because its subdivisions
      tally cross-validate each other giving                                       are multiples of seven as well.
      the impression that this is a full and                                       Factually, there were far more than
      realistic census. However, a closer look                                     70 members of Jacob’s family who
      at the name list and the summary fig-                                        descended to Egypt, as claimed by
      ures it offers for each of the matriarchs                                    the  Netziv.  But the point of  the  list
      reveals puzzling data. Only two of the                                       in the first place was never to offer a
      named individuals are women. It is                                           roll call. We call the list a census, but
      inconceivable that the ratio of Jacob’s                                      that label represents little more than
      male to female descendants was 34:1.                                         our construction of what we think it
      Had the census listed male members                                           is telling us. It is, in fact, an encoded
      only, one might have concluded that                                          way of demonstrating G-d’s blessing
      the Torah  was counting  men alone.                                          to Jacob and his family as they
      But by listing two women, it implies                                         descend to Egypt. This is one of the
      that women are also considered in                                            many ways seemingly ‘embarrassing’
      this count. Moreover, the Torah                                              discrepancies in the Torah are
      emphasizes that Jacob went down to                                           understood in a new light when we
      Egypt with all his daughters-in-law
      (Gen. 46:5, 15) and all his daughters   double of that of her handmaid,      read the Torah not according to our
                                                                                   own  conventions,  but  in  accordance
      and granddaughters (Gen. 46:7). For   Zilpah’s (16; 46:16–17). However,      with the writing conventions of
      all  these reasons Rabbi  Naftali  Zvi   this is only achieved by applying
      Yehuda Berlin, the Netziv, concludes   different ‘rules’ to the question of who   ancient times..
      that, in fact, many more than 70 per-  is counted as a descendant of each    Adapted from Rabbi Dr. Berman’s forthcoming
      sons descended to Egypt (HaEmek       of the wives. Rachel’s descendants,    book, Ani Maamin: Biblical Criticism, Historical
      Davar, Gen. 46:7).                    for  example,  include  grandsons  –   Truth and the Thirteen Principles of Faith,
                                                                                   published by Maggid Books, a division of Koren
                                            Menashe and Ephraim – whereas no       Publishers Jerusalem.
      Throughout the writings of the        other grandsons are included in this
      ancient Near East, numbers seemingly   census, even though the Torah states
      used in a statistical sense are used, in   that grandchildren were among those
      fact, in creative ways to impart ideas,   who descended to Egypt with Jacob    SPECIAL FOR MIZRACHI READERS:
      and that is the case here. Numbers    (Gen. 46:7).
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      status,  and  this  is  seen  most  clearly   However, when we examine not the   website: when
      through another problem in this       actual number of names listed for               you use the  code MIZRACHI.
      census: the ‘discrepancy’ concerning   Jacob’s descendants, but rather the            Free shipping on orders over
      the descendants of Leah; they are     summary tally totals, a different axis          $72 in the US & Canada or
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      the Torah lists only 32 names. When   form multiples of seven. There is a             December 31, 2019 in US,
      we look at the actual names listed    grand total of 70 descendants (Gen.             Canada & Israel.
      in Genesis 46 – as opposed to the     46:27). The descendants of Bilhah
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