Page 59 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 59
Rabbi Jesse Horn Rabbanit Sally Mayer
the message
in the
hanukah commemorates an served as Kohen Gadol during the Join the Conversation: In the Beit Midrash
incredible miracle – when a Second Temple, this daily mini-miracle students delve deeply into the Torah,
Csmall flask of oil sufficient to of the Menorah, returned. However, developing skills and love for learning
light the Menorah for one night lasted after his death, it would occur only on their own. Approachable teachers
for eight nights. sporadically. who respect their students model a life
dedicated to Torah.
Yet there is no holiday to commem- The Chashmonaim fought valiantly to
orate the stopping of the Jordan River rededicate the Second Temple, but it Inspiration and Commitment: Spiritual
when the Jews crossed into Eretz was a diminished Temple, missing its growth goes hand in hand with Torah
Canaan, no festival for when the fire signature miracles that showed G-d’s learning. In our Individual Spiritual
came down from Heaven for Eliyahu, favor. Imagine the joy and celebration Program (ISP) each student is paired with a
staff mentor for regular meetings to develop
no celebration of when the sun stopped amongst the Jewish people when G-d an individualized, goal-oriented plan.
for Yehoshua during his battle in not only returned a daily miracle that
Givon, and the list goes on. Why does happened in the First Temple but mul- The Best of Both Worlds: Why choose
the miracle of the oil, supernatural as it tiplied it by eight! between being totally immersed in an
was, warrant an eight-day holiday? At a time when even the daily service Israeli program and being in a completely
Furthermore, there were miracles all in the Temple seemed diminished and overseas environment? Our students
integrate with Israelis in the dorm, classes
the time in the First Beit Hamikdash, lackluster, when the fighters might and Beit Midrash while receiving the care of
as described in the Talmud: There was have wondered if their efforts were an overseas program.
never a fly in the slaughtering area, even fruitful, G-d sent them a message
the smoke from the altar went straight of encouragement in the form of a mir- Our Family: Located in Jerusalem’s Arnona
up to the sky despite any winds that acle resonating with the symbolism of neighborhood, our beautiful facility, is open
blew, and even when the courtyard His attention and caring. to our students 24/7 – including Shabbat
was packed with worshippers, there However, without the return of the and chag, often spent with the Midreshet
was plenty of room to bow down at the other miracles, wasn’t this still a shell Darkaynu program for students with special
right moment. of the glorious First Beit HaMikdash? needs.
So why are we celebrating this miracle By establishing Chanukah, Chazal Matmidot Scholars Program: Our new
of all miracles? taught us to celebrate even when we program brings together an incredible
cohort to prepare a new generation of
The Talmud teaches that there were are not back to the perfect place for women scholars, writers and leaders.
five ways in which the Second Temple which we hope and dream. So, too,
was inferior to the First: The Aron today we joyously celebrate the miracle
Kodesh was missing, there was no of the State of Israel and our return to
heavenly fire, no Shechina, no Ruach Yerushalayim, even as we continue to
HaKodesh, and no Urim VeTumim. pray daily for G-d to grant us the full
Midreshet Lindenbaum
How could we tell that the Shechina, Maria and Joel Finkle Overseas Program
G-d’s Holy Presence, was missing?
The Talmud tells us that the western 1 Yoma 21a.
lamp of the Menorah, which had the 2 Yoma 21b.
same measurement of oil as all the rest 3 Shabbat.
but lasted longer than them all, tes- 4 Yoma 39a.
tified to the presence of the Shechina. Rabbanit Sally Mayer is Rosh Midrasha at
For the 40 years that Shimon HaTzadik Midreshet Lindenbaum’s Overseas Program