Page 37 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 37


                                                                                      Rabbi Dov Lipman

                                          Bubby Knew

          dreaded having to make the phone   She continued that she appreciates how   Auerbach – all signed a letter in 1949
          call. It was February 2004 and we   America welcomed the Jewish people,   which said: “the first buds of the begin-
      I had just decided to make aliyah. We   but concluded, “to see my grandchil-  ning of the redemption through the
       lived in Maryland and my grandmother   dren and great-children settling in   establishment of the State of Israel.”
       lived in New York, and we made the   Israel, I have nothing but thanks to G-d.”  They understood the magnitude of
       effort for her to see our children quite   Ten years later, my Bubby came to Israel   what was happening. My grandmother,
       regularly.                                                                and all Holocaust survivors understood
                                            and visited me in my Knesset office,
       A survivor of Auschwitz, she was     close to 70 years after her liberation   the magnitude of what happened on the
       in the golden years of her life enjoy-                from Auschwitz.     5th of Iyar 5708. Everyone who lived
       ing her children, grandchildren, and                  She sat down,       during the era of the Holocaust and the
       great-grandchildren. Now I was about                  looked around and   ensuing years recognized the miracu-
                                                                                 lous significance of what it means to
       to tell her that we were moving her                   said, “This doesn’t
       great-grandchildren thousands of miles                make any sense.     have a State of Israel. This adds deeper
       away.                                                 A Jewish State?     meaning to the transition from Yom
                                                             Israel? The Jewish   HaShoah to Yom HaZikaron to Yom
       I picked up the phone and put it down                                     HaAtzmaut.
       a few times before I finally dialed. After            capital? Yerusha-
       some small talk I said, “Bubby, I have   layim? A Jewish parliament? The Knes-  My Bubby, Ethel Kleinman, passed away
       some news for you. With G-d’s help we   set? My grandson as a member of the   last year at the age of 95. She lived to
       are making aliyah this summer. We are   Knesset? This just doesn’t make any   see great-great-grandchildren and
                                                                                                   radiated with joy
       moving to Israel.”                                                                          when she saw her
       There was a pause on the other side   70 years earlier, she had arrived at Aus-             great-grandson,
       of the line and I braced myself for my   chwitz-Birkenau in a cattle car along              my son, in uniform
                                            with her parents, some of her siblings,
       grandmother to be very legitimately                                                         as a commander
       upset. But she broke the silence with   and many nieces and nephews. That                   in an IDF combat
       these words: ם ָ לֹוע ָ ה ך ֶ ל ֶ מ ּוני ֵ קלֹ־ ֱ א 'ה ה ָּ ת ַ א ךּור ָּ ב   night, Shavuot 1944, all but she and one   unit.
       הֶּז ַ ה ן ָ מְּז ַ ל ּונ ָ עי ִּג ִ ה ְ ו ּונ ָ מְּי ִ ק ְ ו ּונָי ֱ ח ֶ ה ֶ ׁש.  of her sisters were exterminated in the
                                            gas chambers. And here she was in my   In my grandmother’s memory, please
       After a moment of speechlessness, I   Knesset office, 70 years later. My Bubby   take a step back to truly internalize and
       asked, “Bubby, where did that come   was right. It doesn’t make any sense.   rejoice over the remarkable times in
       from?”                               And yet here we are – with Yerusha-  which we live with the establishment of
       She explained: “It is going to be very   layim and all of Israel available for all   the State of Israel and follow my Bubby’s
       painful to have you so far away and not   Jews – to visit or to move to whenever   example to channel that happiness into
       to see your children growing up. But   they choose to do so. G-d is “hard at   heartfelt thanks to G-d.
       when we were on the boat coming to   work” making the impossible come true
       America from DP camp in Germany      in the Holy Land.
       after the War, I asked myself the entire   There is no reason for any controversy
       way, ‘Why are we going in this direc-  about the magnitude of what happened
       tion to another foreign country to   on Yom HaAtzmaut. Rav Ovadia Yosef   Rabbi Dov Lipman is a former MK and the
       the Jewish people, when we could be   records (Yabia Omer, Orach Chayim   author of seven books about Judaism and
       going in the other direction, where a   6:41) that three great Charedi rabbis –   Israel.
       new Jewish State is being established in   Rabbi Chatzkel Sarna, Rabbi Zalman
       our Biblical and ancestral homeland?’”   Sorotzkin, and Rabbi Shlomo Zalman    A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau

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