Page 40 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 40
Rabbi Sam Thurgood
Dawning of Redemption
or Second Golden Calf?
he establishment of the modern rebuild our nation in preparation for 4. Pragmatic Religious
State of Israel is one of the most this holy revelation, and thus are them- Zionism – Eyes Open: Rabbi
Tcontroversial topics in the reli- selves connected to holiness. Joseph B. Soloveitchik
gious Jewish world today. Whilst some
see it as a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy 2. Religious Anti-Zionism We are obliged not to shut our eyes to
the miracles G-d has performed for us
and a great step towards redemption, – The Golden Calf: Rabbi
others see it as the greatest obstacle we Yoel Teitelbaum in Israel, nor to dream of a future that
have to redemption! As always, there is we do not see in evidence, but to take
a third opinion somewhere in between. The sin of the Jewish people in the an open and honest look at all that has
What makes this argument more dif- desert was that they were unwilling to happened and is happening. There are
ficult to understand is not simply the wait for Moshe. Instead of trusting in incredible things that have been accom-
extremity of the different views, but G-d and expressing sufficient patience, plished in the State of Israel, amazing
that they are all expressed by believing they chose a new solution to their prob- achievements both religious and secu-
Jews, who pledge their primary alle- lem. So too, after 1,800 years of patiently lar, and we should thank G-d for every
giance to G-d and Torah. How are we to waiting in exile for G-d’s redemption, one of those. At the same time, there are
understand such extreme differences? the non-believing elements amongst great disappointments, and we must be
us abandoned the trust of waiting for honest about them too. There is a great
I would like to briefly explain four per- G-d, and decided to do it themselves, to deal more good than bad, but we must
spectives on this important question pursue a political, rather than religious, approach these days for what they are,
from four great Torah scholars, by way solution. This is a grievous rebellion not for what we fear, or wish, them to
of metaphors. against G-d, and just as with the Golden be.
Calf, we must choose to stand against
1. Messianic Religious Zionism it and take no part of it. We live in confusing times – and the
– Building the Temple: question of how to view these times
Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook 3. Pragmatic Anti-Zionism – and what to learn from them is one
of the most important questions for
When the Beit HaMikdash was being Ya’akov with Shimon and Levi: a Jew today. I find the approaches of
built, the Jewish people had a dilemma. Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Henkin Rav Soloveitchik and Rav Kook most
This was to be the most sacred place in Ya’akov Avinu was opposed to the plan compelling – to see the miracles that
the world, the Holy of Holies, into which proposed by his sons Shimon and Levi we are witness to in our own times, and
no unsanctified foot could tread. How to go to war against the city of Shechem see within them a sign of even greater
was such a holy place to be built with in retribution for their crime against miracles to come. May G-d grant us a
unsanctified materials? The answer, our their sister Dina. Nonetheless, once full redemption in these days in which
Sages tell us, was to build the Temple they went ahead, Rashi tells us that we are sensitive to the need for redemp-
with unconsecrated materials, and to Ya’akov himself girded weapons of war tion so keenly.
designate them as holy only afterward. and stood at their defence, since blood
The first part of the building was secu- is thicker than water, and loyalty to our
lar, and only then was it invested with fellow Jews overrides ideological con- NEW WRITER!
holiness. So too, our State is built as a siderations. So too, even though politi-
secular state first, but as time goes by cal Zionism was not a positive phenom- Rabbi Sam Thurgood is the Rabbi of Beit
it too will be vested with greater and enon and we would prefer that a secular Midrash Morasha in Cape Town. He studied
under Rabbi Goldfein zt”l at the Yeshivah
greater holiness. Even those who do not state would not have been built, once Gedolah of Johannesburg and he and his
identify as religious are subconsciously it is an established fact, with millions wife Aviva have four beautiful children. The
responding to the call of the national of Jews living there, we must devote first thing he’d like to do after the pandemic
Jewish soul to return to our Land and ourselves to supporting and helping. is to visit Israel.
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