Page 38 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 38
Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy
The Independence
of Interdependence
om HaAtzmaut is unparalleled is manifest in who we choose as a part- and independence (both individual and
in the annals of history, con- ner in marriage. Here it becomes clear national) are two of the greatest gifts,
Ystituting a remarkable demon- that instead of being “in dependence,” yet they are only a means to a greater
stration of the eternal uniqueness of to be independent is to choose the right end.
the Jewish nation and our centrality people on whom to depend.
within world history. The root of the In taking note of the element of strength
word תּוא ָ מ ְ צ ַ ע first appears in Bereishit This tension lies at the heart of the reflected by the root םּו ּ צ ִ ע or ה ָ מ ְ צ ָ ע within
(2:23–24), during which G-d fashions Hebrew term תּוא ָ מ ְ צ ַ ע. The definition the word תּוא ָ מ ְ צ ַ ע, we reach a deeper
the world’s first two human beings and of independence is as true for the nation understanding of the true essence of
they become aware of each other’s exis- as it is for the individual. For one glori- independence. Through internalizing
tence for the very first time: ous moment in 1948, the Jewish nation our responsibilities as an independent
declared national self-determination, sovereign state interacting with others,
And the man said, “This one is bone of permanently closing the disastrous we can legitimately strive towards a
my bone (י ַ מ ָ צ ֲ ע ֵ מ ם ֶ צ ֶ ע) and flesh of my chapter of Jewish powerlessness. While position of strength and self-reliance,
flesh. This one shall be called woman, remembering when we were strangers the likes of which our ancestors could
for from man she is taken.” Therefore, in different times, no longer would only dream about.
a man leaves his father and his mother Jewish blood be considered “cheap,” and It is up to us to take the raw materials
and clings to his wife, and they shall be no longer would Jews across the world represented by the blended root mean-
as one flesh. depend upon the precarious benevo- ings of the Hebrew term תּוא ָ מ ְ צ ַ ע – bone,
lence of other host nations.
These two verses tell a very curious, essence, core, strength, force – and
even paradoxical story. On the one While this is of course an incredible, fashion them together into a harmo-
hand, it is the story of the creation miraculous achievement, it is but the nious independent society worthy of
of Adam and Eve, each of whom is beginning of an entirely new set of chal- the Jewish nation. Through doing so,
endowed with their own individual per- lenges. Now that we are autonomous, we transform the State of Israel into
sonhood. Yet, at this moment of initial what kind of country will the State a model of goodness and justice for
independence, Adam recognizes they of Israel become? Who shall be our the entire world. It is this vision, this
are of the same flesh and bone, and his friends? For which principles shall we striving towards ethical excellence, that
duty requires him to “cling to his wife.” fight? Which cultural influences should is truly worthy of the eternal people,
These two human beings understand we promote, and what kind of culture and that underlies the unmistakable
their independent individuality, yet, at will we export to the community of joy and exuberance expressed far and
wide on Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Day
the very same moment, also intuit the nations? Achieving independence of Independence.
urgent, primal need for relationships means summoning the strength to fully
and interdependence. face up to the challenges of interdepen-
dence, to recognize our role within the
What causes Adam and Eve to forgo international web of relationships. This
their individual independence in favor is a lesson that must be internalized by Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy is the Co-Founder of
of marriage? all supporters, defenders and citizens Israel Impact Partners, working with philan-
thropists to optimize and scale up impact
of the Jewish State.
While thesurvival of every being is in the non-profit sector. He was previously
dependent on something or someone Of course, Yom HaAtzmaut will always CEO of Mosaic United and Dean of Moriah
else, the greatest expression of indepen- be a moment of great celebration – but
dence is the choice of who and what we we owe it to ourselves to preserve it as A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
want to depend on. This act of free will a moment of introspection. Freedom
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