Page 199 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 199

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                     ןקזה תואפ תוכלה · 197

        Another question discussed by the poskim is whether it is permitted to use a depilatory ointment to remove
        the hairs of one’s beard.  With regard to this issue, most are lenient, with the exception of the Tzemach
        Tzedek quoted above (who is stringent due to the prohibition of lo yilbash) and those who are stringent for
        Kabbalistic reasons.

        a    Shiyurei Beracha, Yoreh Deah 181:8–9           ט-ח אפק ד״וי | הכרב ירויש   . 15
        8. Many G-d fearing individuals in the cities of Edom are   הסיע ְּ כ םס חינהל ’ה יארימ םיבר םודא ירעב וגהנ .ח
        accustomed to placing an ointment like thin dough on their   רומג רתומד האריו .רעשה לכ רשונו ,ונקז לע הכר
        beards, which detaches all of the hair. And it seems that this   …יתוינעב יתבתכ ןכו …רסאד ןאמכ אלדו ,אוה
        is definitely permitted, and not like the one who forbids    םסב  ןקזה  תושעל  ףידע  יפטד  ,יתראיב  םש  .ט
        it… and so have I written in my humbleness…
                                                        .םש ןייע .רעת ןיעכ םירפסמב תושעלמ ,רכזנה
        9. I explained there that it is preferable to arrange the beard
        with this ointment than to use a scissors similar to a razor,
        see there.
        However, one should be careful not to remove the cream using a sharp metal implement so as to avoid the
        problem of shaving with a razor‑like device.

        p     LeShichno Tidreshu,                                      | ושרדת ונכשל   . 16
             Volume 1, p. 301                                     אש ׳מע ,ןושאר קלח

        It is forbidden to cut one’s pe’ot (of the head) even using a   רתומ ונקז לבא ,םס י”ע וליפא תואפה חלגל רוסא
        cream, but it is permitted to shave using a cream, provided   רעשה תא ררגל אלש רהזייש דבלבו ,םס י”ע חלגל
        one is careful not to scrape the hair with a knife or other   .הזב אצויכו ץע םסיקב אלא דח רבדב וא ןיכסב
        sharp instrument, but only with a wooden chip and the like.

        3.   R. David Schwartz notes in his article on electric shavers (referenced in footnote #7) that similar types of depilatory powders were actually still in
           use as recently as the 1960s, which men would mix with water and spread on their faces to remove their facial hair. [Addition of the editors of the
           English edition]
        4.   We should note that the Chida continues that this ruling is according to the strict halacha, but based on the “secrets of the Torah,” it is entirely
           forbidden to shave one’s beard in any manner. This consideration will be addressed briefly later in the shiur.

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