Page 200 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 200

198 · Hilchot Pe’ot Hazakan                                        Tzurba M’Rabanan

                     The Location of the Pe’ot

                                   of the Beard

        The Mishna states that there are five locations on one’s face that are included within the prohibition of
        shaving one’s beard.

        h    Mishna, Masechet Makkot 3:5                       ה:ג תוכמ תכסמ | הנשמ    . 17
        On the beard, there are two [pe’ot] from here [on one side   תחאו  ,ןאכמ  םייתשו  ,ןאכמ  םייתש  –  ןקזה  לע
        of the face] and two from here, and one from below [on                      .הטמלמ
        his chin].

        There are many different opinions as to the exact locations of these five pe’ot, as summarized by the Rosh.
        However, the Rosh concludes that due to the uncertainty, one should refrain from shaving the entire area of
        the beard with a razor. This is the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch as well.

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 181:11                     אי:אפק ד״וי | ע״וש   . 18
        The pe’ot of the beard amount to five, and there are many   ארי  ךכיפל  ,תועדה  םהב  וברו  ,’ה  םה  ןקזה  תואפ
        opinions regarding them. Therefore, a G-d-fearing person   .ללכ ונקז לכ לע רעת ריבעי אלו םלוכ תא אצי םימש
        should fulfill all of them and not use a blade on any part of   .ןורגה תחת וליפאו :הגה
        his beard.
        Rema: Even underneath his throat.

        According to the Shulchan Aruch, it is permitted to shave with a razor on the mustache, but the prevalent
        custom is not to use a razor or blade anywhere except for places that the hair of the mustache interferes with
        one’s eating, as the Rambam states in the next source.

        5.   For an in‑depth analysis of the different opinions, see the sefer Pe’at Zekanecha.

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