Page 303 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 303

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳א רדסה ליל תוכלה · 301

        According to the Rosh, one must eat a kezayit of matza from each matza. The Bach wonders though why one
        must eat two separate kezayit portions. Why is an additional kezayit for hamotzee necessary in addition to the
        kezayit used for the mitzva of matza?

        a    Bach, Orach Chaim 475                              העת ןמיס ח״וא | ח”ב   . 44
        Regarding what he wrote that one needs to eat a kezayit from   ונייה .דחא לכמ תיזכ לכאיש בתכש המו
        each one, that is due to the fact that there is no definition of eating   םיחספ(  תיזכמ  התוחפ  הליכא  ןיאש  יפל
        for less than a  kezayit (Pesachim 32b;  Yerushalmi, Yoma 2:1).    המית והימ )א”ה ב”פ אמוי ימלשורי ,:בל
        However, this is astounding: One can understand [that one needs    לע  הילע  ךרבמש  הסורפה  ןמ  אמלשב
        to eat a kezayit] from the piece of matza upon which one recites    ןמ  לבא  תיזכ  יעבד  ריפש  הצמ  תליכא
        the beracha al achilat matza, it is logical that one needs [to eat] a    אנש יאמ איצומה  הילע ךרבמש המלשה
        kezayit. But regarding the whole matza upon which one recites
        the beracha of hamotzee, what is different from [the halacha of]    יפ לע ףא איצומה וילע ךרבמש תפ ראשמ
        other bread, upon which one recites hamotzee even though one         :תיזכ לכוא וניאש
        doesn’t eat a kezayit?

        The Shulchan Aruch rules in accordance with the opinion of the Rosh and the Mishna Berura resolves all
        the questions of the Bach.

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 475:1                    א:העת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 45
        And he should eat a kezayit from each one simultaneously. If he   םאו ,דחא לכמ תיזכ דחיב הביסהב םלכאיו
        is unable to eat two kezayit portions simultaneously, he should   לש לכאי ,דחיב םיתיז ינשכ לוכאל לוכי וניא
        eat [the kezayit] of the hamotzee first and then [the kezayit] of al   .הצמ תליכא לש ךכ רחאו הלחת איצומה
        achilat matza.

        a    Mishna Berura 475:9                                ט:העת | הרורב הנשמ    . 46
        From the broken matza one definitely needs to eat a kezayit, for   ןיכרבמ אהד תיזכ ךירצ יאדוב הסורפה ןמ
        one recites the beracha of al achilat matza over this, and there is   תיזכמ התוחפ הליכא ןיאו הצמ תליכא לע
        no definition of eating for less than a kezayit. However, regarding    איצומהד ל”יק אלה איצומה תסורפ לבא
        the broken matza used for motzee, we hold that we recite a beracha    ןמיסב ל”נכו תיזכמ תוחפ לע וליפא ןיכרבמ
        of  hamotzee  even  over  less  than  a  kezayit  (as  discussed  earlier    ןירבוסש  ןיקסופ  שיד  םושמ  אלא  י”ר
        in Siman 210). However, since there are some poskim that hold    לע תכרבו הסורפה לע יאק איצומה תכרבד
        that the beracha of hamotzee is recited over the broken matza and
        the beracha of al achilat matza is recited over the whole matza,    לכמ ךירצ ךכל המלשה לע יאק הצמ תליכא
        therefore one needs [to eat] a kezayit from each.                         .תיזכ תחא

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