Page 306 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 306

304 · Hilchot Leil Haseder I                                       Tzurba M’Rabanan

        On a simple level, it seems from the Gemara that the dough must be guarded to ensure that it does not rise
        and become chametz. However, Rishonim dispute whether there is an additional element to this “guarding.”

        r     Rambam, Hilchot Chametz Umatza 5:8           ח:ה הצמו ץמח ׳לה | ם”במר   . 52
        “And you shall guard the matzot” – Meaning that you must   ורהז ִ ה  :רמולכ  –  ”תוצמה  תא  םתרמשו“
        be careful with the matza and guard it from any possibility of   .ץומח דצ לכמ התוא ורמשו הצמב
        becoming leaven.

        r     Rashi, Masechet Pesachim 38b                   :חל םיחספ תכסמ | י”שר    . 53
        And you shall guard the matzot, make the guarding for the   םשל הרימש הל דיבע תוצמה תא םתרמשו
        sake of matza – For all guarding that one does in order that it   אלש  הרמשמ  התאש  רומיש  לכ  –  הצמ
        doesn’t become chametz, have intention that it be for the sake of   .הוצמ לש הצמ םשל ןווכתה ץימחת
        matza for the mitzva.

        According to Rambam, the primary requirement is to guard the matza from becoming chametz. According
        to Rashi, an active guarding is necessary with intention that the matza be suitable for the mitzva of eating
        matza. The Mishna Berura writes that lechatchila, we act in accordance with the opinion of Rashi.

        a    Mishna Berura 453:21                               אכ:גנת | הרורב הנשמ   . 54
        This means that the matzot that we eat on the first two nights to   תולילה  יתשב  ןילכואש  תוצמה  ל”ר
        fulfill the mitzva of “in the evening you shall eat matzot” require   ולכאת ברעב תוצמ ןהב םייקל תונושארה
        an additional element of guarding, and the fact that there is no    ונל יד אלו הריתי הרימש ןיכירצ םה תוצמ
        concern that they might become chametz is not sufficient. Rather,    ץומיח  ששח  לש  אתועיר  ונל  ןיאש  המב
        we need an additional element of guarding for the sake of the    הצמ תוצמ םשל הריתי רומיש ךירצש אלא
        mitzva of matza, as it is written, “and you shall guard the matzot,”    ךירצש ונייהו תוצמה תא םתרמשו ביתכד
        meaning that one needs to guard it for the sake of matza.
                                                                           :הצמ םשל רומשיש

        Commentaries further dispute in which stage the guarding must begin. There are three opinions regarding
        this, all of which are alluded to in the Shulchan Aruch.

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 453:4                     ד:גנת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 55
        It is best to guard the wheat used for making matza for the mitzva   בוט  הוצמ  תצמ  םהב  םישועש  םיטחה
        that no water touch them from the time of harvesting, and at   תעשמ  םימ  םהילע  ולפי  אלש  ןרמשל
        least  [they  should  be  guarded]  from  the  time  of  grinding.  In    תעשבו  .הניחט  תעשמ  תוחפלו  ,הריצק
        extenuating circumstances, it is permitted to take flour from the   .קושה ןמ חמק חקיל רתומ קחדה

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