Page 311 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 311

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳א רדסה ליל תוכלה · 309

            2.  Beit Yosef –  Don’t intentionally try to keep one’s hands clean.

            3.  Biur Halacha –  Even if they are clean, one still washes but without a beracha.


            1.  Gemara –  It is a dispute whether the obligation is from the Torah or a rabbinic one.
            2.  Rambam –  The halacha is that it is a Torah obligation.

            3.  Rashi –  Two whole matzot are needed for lechem mishneh aside from the broken
               one. This position is accepted as halacha.

            4.  Rambam –  The broken matza counts as one of the two for lechem mishneh.
            5.  Rosh –  One must eat a kezayit from each matza.
            6.  Mishna Berura –  One has fulfilled the obligation if one ate only one kezayit.
            7.  Shulchan Aruch –  The halacha is in accordance with the opinions that a kezayit is
               half the size of an egg.
            8.  Most poskim –  One measures the kezayit by volume.

            9.  Kaf Hachaim –  Can measure the size of a kezayit by weight.

                                         Matza Shemura

            1.  Gemara –  There is an obligation to guard the matza.

            2.  Rambam –  Guarding means to guard it from rising.
            3.  Rashi –  Guarding it means guarding for the purpose of using for the mitzva of
            4.  Mishna Berura –  Lechatchila we are stringent for the opinion of Rashi.
            5.  Shulchan Aruch –  Ideally it must be guarded from the time of harvesting, and
               at least from the time of grinding; today’s shemura matza is from the time of
            6.  Rambam –  One should eat such matza all of Pesach.
            7.  Peninei Halacha/other opinions –  There is no obligation to eat shemura matza
               during the rest of Pesach.
            8.  Avnei Nezer –  One may not use machine matza on Pesach.

            9.  Mikraei Kodesh –  Most poskim today allow using machine matza, though many
               recommend using hand matza for the Seder if possible.

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