Page 308 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 308

306 · Hilchot Leil Haseder I                                       Tzurba M’Rabanan

        a    Responsa Avnei Nezer,                                       | רזנ ינבא ת”וש   . 58
            Orach Chaim 537                                      זלקת ןמיס ח״וא קלח

        I heard and my stomach has become ill for once again there   תושעל שדחמ ררועתנ יכ ינטב זגרתו יתעמש
        are those who want to make machine matzot. Already the   םינואגה  וררועתה  רבכו  .ןישאמ  לע  תוצמ
        great and true tzadikim, his honor the Gerrer Rebbe zt”l, the    ל”צז  ר”ומדא  דובכ  ה”ה  םיתמאהו  םיקידצה
        holy Gaon of Tzanz zt”l, and the holy Gaon of Chechanov    ןואגהו זדנאסמ ה”הללצז שודקה ןואגהו רוגמ
        all prohibited using them definitively, for their impurity is    םתוא  רוסאל  יוואנכעשטמ  ה”הללצז  שודקה
        on their side and underneath them shall remain the leprous    םהיתחתו  םהילושב  םתאמוט  יכ  ןעי  טלחהב
        mark, for it is chametz. 9
                                                                     .המה ץמח יכ תרהבה דומעת

        p     Mikra’ei Kodesh (by Rav Moshe             | )יררה השמ ברה( שדוק יארקמ    . 59
             Harari), Pesach chapter 7, footnote #79             טע הרעה ז קרפ ,חספ

        The opinion of [some of] this generation’s rabbis: Hagaon   ךבריוא ןמלז המלש ברה ןואגה :ונרוד ינבר תעד
        Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach told me that one may fulfill   הוצמ תצמ הבוח ידי תאצל רשפאש יל רמא ל”צז
        the obligation of the mitzva of matza at the Seder with    רשפא ןכו ,הנוכמ תצמ תליכאב םג רדסה לילב
        machine matzot as well, and one may recite the beracha of al    ויתלאשו .הצמ תליכא לע תכרב תא הילע ךרבל
        achilat matza on it. I asked him if there was a preference for    םאש יל הנעו ,הנוכמ וא די תוצמ תופידע םאה
        hand-made matza or machine matza, and he answered me   .תופידע די תוצמ יזא ”בטיה בטיה“ םיחיגשמ
        that if they supervise very well, then the hand-made matzot
        are preferable.                                 רחבומה ןמ הוצמש בתכ ףסוי הידבוע ברה ןואגה
                                                        ןושארה הלילה לש הוצמ תצמל תחקל לדתשהל
        Hagaon Rav Ovadia Yosef writes that it is an ideal mitzva to
        try to take hand-made matza by G-d fearing people who are    יארי ידי לע די תדובעב תישענ התכאלמש הצמ
        expert in halacha for the first night, in order to comply with all    לכ ידי תאצל ידכ תאזו ,הכלהב םיאיקבה םימש
        the opinions. Nevertheless, in extenuating circumstances one   ידי  םיאצוי  קחדה  תעשב  םוקמ  לכמו  .תועדה
        may fulfill his obligation on the first night with machine-made   לע  תישענה  הצמב  םג  ןושארה  הלילב  ותבוח
        matzot as well, and one may even recite the beracha of al achilat   תא הילע ךרבל םיאשר ףאו ,תילמשח הנוכמ ידי
        matza. During the rest of the festival following the Seder night,    רחאל גחה ימי ראשבו .הצמ תליכא לע תכרב
        even those who are careful to eat only shemura matza from the    הרומש הצמ קר לוכאל םידיפקמה ףא רדסה ליל
        time of harvesting may eat machine-made matza…   …הנוכמ תצמ לוכאל םיאשר הריצקה תעשמ

        In practice, one should ideally use hand-made matzot on the first two nights if possible, as this fulfills one’s
        obligation according to all opinions. One who is unable to do so may rely on the poskim that hold that
        machine matzot are considered to be made lishma, for the sake of the mitzva (due to the presence of those
        supervising, who have this in mind). On the remaining days, where only the Rambam and those who follow
        his opinion recommend eating shemura matza, and in his opinion the definition of shemura matza is that it
        is properly guarded from chametz (and there is no need of intention for the sake of the mitzva), one can eat
        machine-made shemura matza even lechatchila, as today there is no concern of them becoming chametz
        when properly supervised.

        9.   This is a poetic manner (using the analogy of leprosy) of forcefully expressing the idea that the machine matzot would become chametz and
           therefore may not be used. [Addition of the editors of the English edition]

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