Page 341 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
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ןנברמ אברוצ ׳ב רדסה ליל תוכלה · 339
is different, as it commemorates a miracle, and they [women] too לעד חספד ללה ינאש הדגאו ללה םהילע
were part of the miracle. But here it is not recited for the miracle אל ןאכ לבא סנה ותואב ויה ןה ףאו אב סנה
[but rather for the holiday itself].
.רומא סנה לע
Tosafot here invoke the principle of af hein hayu b’oto haneis, “they were also included in the miracle,” which
is used elsewhere in the Gemara to explain why women are obligated in certain specific time-bound mitzvot,
such as reading the megilla on Purim. Here, too, Tosafot explain that since women were also redeemed from
Egypt, they also have an obligation to recite Hallel, despite its status as a time-bound mitzva.
Hallel at Night
Hallel is generally recited during the day, as is clarified by the Mishna in Megilla.
h Masechet Megilla 20b :כ הליגמ תכסמ . 50
The entire day is valid for the reading of the megilla and תאירקלו הליגמה תאירקל רשכ םויה
reciting of Hallel… this is the general rule: Any matter where רשכ םויב ותוצמש רבד :ללכה הז …ללהה
the mitzva is during the day, it is valid the entire day. …םויה לכ
If so, why do we recite Hallel at the Seder? This question was dealt with by the Chatam Sofer.
a Responsa Chatam Sofer 1:51 | רפוס םתח ת”וש . 51
But we need to answer regarding Hallel on the night of Pesach, אנ ןמיס א קלח
for the fact that we recite it sitting down has already been המד ,חספ לילד ללה בושיי ךירצד אלא
addressed by the Beit Yosef at the end of Siman 422, but if we ב”כת ’יסס י”ב ’כ רבכ בשוימ םירמואש
say that night is not the [appropriate] time for Hallel, if so one אוה ללה ןמז ואל הלילד אמינ יא לבא
may ask from the night of Pesach [where Hallel is recited]? And
one must answer that specifically Hallel that we recite on every ללה אקוד ל”צו חספ לילמ ישקית כ”א
festival and day of redemption where the Sages instituted to ונקיתש הלואג םויו בוט םוי לכב ןירוקש
recite it when they are redeemed, as is brought in Pesachim 117a, ז”יק םיחספב אתיאדכ ולאגישכל רמול
regarding these we apply [the verse] “from when the sun rises דע שמש חרזממ ןנירמא יאהב א”ע
in the east until it comes,” and not at night, for this is how they לבא ,ונקית ךכ יכ הלילב אלו ואובמ
established it. But regarding Seder night, which is the actual הז לע שממ סנה תעש איהש חספ לילב
time of the miracle, about this it was stated “the song will .גח שדקתה לילכ םכל ’יהי רישה רמאנ
be for you on the night of the sanctification of the Festival.”
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