Page 337 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 337

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳ב רדסה ליל תוכלה · 335


        At first glance, it seems that the laws of birkat hamazon (Grace after Meals) on the Seder night are no different
        than those of birkat hamazon during the rest of the year. Nevertheless there are a few minor differences
        between them mentioned by the poskim cited below.


        The Shulchan Aruch rules that one should try to ensure that birkat hamazon is recited with a zimun (special
        introduction recited when there are three individuals). The Mishna Berura explains that the reason for this is
        to ensure that Hallel is recited with at least three people.

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 479:1                    א:טעת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 42

        There is a mitzva to ensure one has a zimun.                     .ןומיז רחא רוזחל הוצמ
        a    Mishna Berura 479:9                                 ט:טעת | הרורב הנשמ   . 43

        The Acharonim agree that the zimun is not for the purpose of   ןינעל וניא ןומיז יאהד םינורחאה ומיכסה
        birkat hamazon, for there is no obligation to enhance [the mitzva]   רתוי רדהל בייוחמ וניא הז ליבשבד ז”מהב
        more than the rest of the year for this reason. Here it is for the    יריימ ללה ןינעל אכהו הנשה תומי ראשבמ
        Hallel, as there is a mitzva of enhancement to recite Hallel with   .השלשב ללה רמול רדהל הוצמש
        [at least] three.

                      Reciting Birkat Hamazon Over a Cup of Wine

        The Shulchan Aruch (182:1) cites a number of opinions as to whether there is an obligation to recite birkat
        hamazon over a cup of wine. The Mishna Berura writes there that the custom is to be lenient unless wine is
        readily available, such as on Shabbat and Yom Tov, in which case it is ideal to do so over a cup of wine.

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