Page 334 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 334
332 · Hilchot Leil Haseder II Tzurba M’Rabanan
a Mishna Berura, 477:1 א:זעת | הרורב הנשמ . 34
Kezayit – Lechatchila one should take two kezayit portions, one םיתיז ינש חקיש בוט הליחתכלו – תיזכ
as a remembrance for the pesach, and one as a remembrance for תלכאנה הצמל רכז דחאו חספל רכז דחא
the matza that was eaten with it. :ומע
The Time for Eating the Afikoman
The Gemara cites a Tannaitic dispute whether one must eat the korban pesach before chatzot (halachic
midnight) or whether it is permitted to eat it until alot hashachar (dawn).
h Masechet Berachot 9a .ט תוכרב תכסמ . 35
As it was taught in a beraita: “And they shall eat of the meat on יבר ,”הזה הלילב רשבה תא ולכאו“ :אינתד
that night” (Shemot 12:8); Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya says: Here הלילב ןאכ רמאנ :רמוא הירזע ןב רזעלא
it is stated: “On that night,” and the same expression is stated םירצמ ץראב יתרבעו ןלהל רמאנו הזה
below in the same chapter: “And I will pass through the land of ןאכ ףא ,תוצח דע ןלהל המ – הזה הלילב
Egypt on that night and I will strike every firstborn in the land of רבכ אלהו :אביקע יבר היל רמא .תוצח דע
Egypt, from person to animal” (Shemot 12:12). Therefore, just as המ לע …ןוזפח תעש דע – ןוזפחב רמאנ
in the verse below, the striking of the firstborns took place until
midnight, as stated explicitly in the verse, so too in the verse here, ןב רזעלא יבר ;ןוזפח תעש לע – וקלחנ
the mitzva to eat the Paschal offering continues until midnight. ,םירצמד ןוזפח – ןוזפח יאמ :רבס הירזע
ןוזפח – ןוזפח יאמ :רבס אביקע יברו
Rabbi Akiva said to him: Was it not already said, “Thus you
shall eat it…in haste [chipazon]…” (Shemot 12:11)? Therefore ךיהלא 'ה ךאיצוה :יכה ימנ אינת .לארשיד
the Paschal offering may be eaten until the time of haste… אל אלהו ?ואצי הלילב יכו – הליל םירצממ
However, with regard to what did they disagree? With regard חספה תרחממ :רמאנש ,םויב אלא ואצי
to the time of haste. Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya held: What is the דמלמ :אלא !המר דיב לארשי ינב ואצי
meaning of haste? It is the haste of the Egyptians at midnight, .ברעבמ הלואג םהל הליחתהש
as they hurried to the houses of the people of Israel to send them
away, in fear of the plague of the firstborn.
And Rabbi Akiva held: What is the meaning of haste? It is the haste of Israel in the morning, as they rushed
to leave Egypt. It was also taught in a beraita: “The Lord, your God, took you out from Egypt at night,” but
the question arises: Did they leave at night? Didn’t they leave during the day, as it is stated: “On the day
after the offering of the Paschal offering, the children of Israel went out with a high hand”? Rather, this
teaches that the redemption began for them in the evening.
r Rashi, Masechet Berachot 9a .ט תוכרב תכסמ | י”שר . 36
The haste of the Egyptians – Referring to the plague of the םדי לעש ,םירוכבה תכמ – םירצמד ןוזפח
firstborn, for through it they hastened to send them away. .םחלשל רהמל וזפחנ
The haste of Israel – They didn’t listen to them [the Egyptians] תאצל םהל ועמש אל – לארשיד ןוזפח
to leave until the morning. .רקב דע
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