Page 338 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 338

336 · Hilchot Leil Haseder II                                      Tzurba M’Rabanan

        However on the Seder night, there is an obligation to recite birkat hamazon over a cup of wine. Moreover,
        the common practice, as recorded in the Shulchan Aruch below, is that each individual recites the birkat
        hamazon over his own cup of wine and drinks it, as this is the third of the four cups. The basis for this practice
        seems to be the following comment of Tosafot:

        r     Tosafot, Masechet Pesachim 105b              :הק םיחספ תכסמ | תופסות     . 44
        …Since birkat hamazon requires a cup [of wine only] with   ונקית  'גב  סוכ  הנועט  ןוזמה  תכרבד  םושמ…
        three [people making a zimun],  they instituted using a cup on   .ןוזמה תכרבל סוכ דיחיב וליפא חספב
        Pesach for birkat hamazon even for an individual.
        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 479:1                     א:טעת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 45

        After that, they pour him the third cup. He recites  birkat   וילע  ךרבמו  ,ישילש  סוכ  ול  ןיגזומ  ךכ  רחא
        hamazon and  borei pri hagafen (the blessing on the wine)    .ןפגה ירפ ארובו ןוזמה תכרב
        upon it.

        The Mishna Berura explains the reason for this practice is that it is appropriate to use each of the four cups
        for a different mitzva.

        a    Mishna Berura 479:2                                  ב:טעת | הרורב הנשמ   . 46
        Even if one recites [birkat hamazon] by oneself, and even   אמלעב ד”מל וליפאו ידיחיב ךרבמ םא וליפא
        according to the opinion that birkat hamazon does not require   ונקתש ליאוה מ”מ סוכ הנועט הניא ז”מהבד
        [the use of] a cup, nevertheless since the Sages instituted    שי  וז  הלילב  תוסוכ  העברא  תותשל  םימכח
        to drink four cups of wine on this night, it is appropriate  to    סוכ ןיכמוס יכהל סוכו סוכ לכב הוצמ תושעל
        perform a mitzva with each cup. Therefore, we connect the              .ז”מהבל ישילש
        third cup with birkat hamazon.

                         One who Forgot to Recite Ya’aleh Veyavo

        One who forgot to recite  Ya’aleh Veyavo (the addition recited on Rosh Chodesh and festivals) in  birkat
        hamazon must recite birkat hamazon again from the beginning. This is the halacha according to all opinions,
        as whenever there is an obligation to eat bread, one must repeat birkat hamazon if Ya’aleh Veyavo was
        forgotten, and there is clearly an obligation to eat a kezayit of matza on the Seder night. In addition, Rabbi
        Akiva Eiger writes that this is true even with regard to women, despite the fact that on other days of Yom
        Tov she may not be required to repeat it.

        9.   Although as noted above, the common practice today does not always follow this opinion that one must use a cup of wine when reciting birkat
           hamazon with a zimun, Tosafot can still be used as a basis for the notion that an additional obligation was added that each individual drink the cup
           on Pesach night. [Addition of the editors of the English edition]

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