Page 339 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 339
ןנברמ אברוצ ׳ב רדסה ליל תוכלה · 337
a Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, | רגיא אביקע יבר ת”וש . 47
Mahadura Kamma, Siman 1 א ןמיס אמק ארודהמ
Regarding the people of his household who forgot to mention גח לש ריכזהל וחכשש ותיב ינב תודוא לע
the festival [i.e., Ya’aleh Veyavo] in birkat hamazon… after all this, יכנא יתלאשנ ולא ז”כעו …ןוזמה תכרבב
if I were asked regarding the matter, I think I would rule that all לכד ,אבו הרומ יתייה המודמכ ,הככ לע
men of his household should repeat birkat hamazon but not the אל לבא ,ךרבל ורזחי םישנא ותיב תיברמ
women and girls. .תונבהו םישנה
My reasoning is that I can argue that women are permitted to fast השאד ןודל יל שיד םושמ ידיד אמעטו
on Yom Tov, as the prohibition to fast on Yom Tov appears to ט”יב תינעת רוסיאד ,ט”יב תונעתהל תרתומ
be is rooted in the obligation of oneg (enjoying it through eating ,ם”במרב אוה ןכו ,גנוע ןידמ אוהש הארנ
and drinking) as the Rambam states. And the mitzva of oneg is
included in the positive mitzva of “it shall be a festival for you,” השע תוצמ ללכב אוה גנוע תוצמ ירהו
and we extrapolate from that half should be for Hashem and half 'דל ויצח הינמ ןנישרדד ,םכל היהת תרצעד
for yourselves. If so, this mitzva should not be better than any אפידע וז הוצמ אהת אל כ”או ,םכל ויצחו
other positive time-bound mitzva, from which women are תלוז ,תורוטפ םישנש אמרג ןמזהש ע”מ לכמ
exempt, excluding the first night of Pesach, where they are אשיקהמ הצמב תובייוחמד חספד 'א לילב
obligated to [eat] matza based on the comparison [in the .ץמח לכאת לבב ונשיש לכד
Gemara, Pesachim 5a] that whoever is forbidden to eat chametz
is obligated to eat matza.
Rabbi Akiva Eiger here explains that women are obligated to eat matza based on a comparison made by
the Torah (Shemot 12:19-20) between the prohibition of eating chametz and the positive mitzva of eating
matza. Just as a woman is subject to the former, so too she is included in the latter. Since the general rule is
that one must repeat birkat hamazon when forgetting Ya’aleh Veyavo after any meal that one was obligated
to eat, therefore even women must repeat birkat hamazon on the Seder night, when they are obligated to
consume matza like men.
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