Page 333 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 333

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳ב רדסה ליל תוכלה · 331

        There are a number of practical ramifications to this dispute, such as whether one needs to eat while reclining
        (see footnote).   6

                            The Amount That Needs to be Eaten

        Logically, it would seem that one must eat a kezayit of matza for afikoman, similar to other mitzvot of eating
        where a kezayit is required. This is apparent as well from the words of the Rambam (Chametz Umatza 8:9)
        and the majority of Rishonim.
        However, the Maharal (Seder Haggada 38) writes that since the mitzva of matza is such a special mitzva, one
        should eat two kezayit portions. This is also the opinion of the Bach, albeit for a different reason. He opines that
        one should eat two kezayit portions since Rishonim dispute whether the afikoman commemorates the korban
        pesach or the matzah that was eaten with it. Therefore, one should fulfill both opinions by eating two portions.

        a    Bach, Orach Chaim 477                               זעת ןמיס ח״וא | ח”ב   . 32
        Our custom is to take the bigger portion for the  afikoman…   …ןמוקיפאל  לודגה  קלח  חקיל  וניגהנמו
        and we eat the amount of two kezayit portions from it, one in   רכז דחא – םיתיז ינש רועישכ ונממ ןילכואו
        remembrance of the korban pesach as the Rosh writes, and one    הצמל רכז דחאו ש”ארה בתכ רשאכ חספל
        in remembrance of the matzah that was eaten with the pesach, as    …ם”בשר שריפ רשאכ חספה םע תלכאנה
        the Rashbam explains… Now since according to the Rosh this    רכז אלא וז הליכא ןיא ש”ארהלד םושמו
        eating is only in remembrance of the korban pesach and not for the    שוריפלו הצמ תליכא תבוח םשל אלו חספל
        sake of the obligation to eat matza, and according to the Rashbam
        it is for the obligation of matza that is eaten with the pesach, we    םע תלכאנה הצמ תבוח םושמ איה ם”בשר
        therefore  need  [to  eat]  two  kezayit  portions,  and one  doesn’t    תיזכ יגס אלו םיתיז ינש ךירצ ןכ לע חספה
        suffice, in order to remove oneself from this dispute.     :אתגולפמ הישפנ יקופאל דחא

        The Shulchan Aruch rules that one must eat only one kezayit for the afikoman at the end of the meal, but
        the Mishna Berura writes (based on the Acharonim mentioned) that lechatchila (ideally) one should eat two
        kezayit portions. 7

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 477:1                    א:זעת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 33
        After the completion of the meal, each person eats a  kezayit   הצממ  םילכוא  הדועסה  לכ  רמג  רחאל
        from the matza that has been concealed under the cloth, as a   רכז  ,דחא  לכ  תיזכ  הפמה  תחת  הרומשה
        remembrance for the korban pesach that was eaten while sated.   .עבושה לע לכאנה חספל

        6.   According to Rashi, one must recline, as this is the obligatory kezayit of matza for which one must recline. However, the Rambam (Hilchot
           Chametz Umatza 7:8) holds that reclining is not necessary. Regarding this issue, the Shulchan Aruch rules that reclining is necessary. Another
           possible ramification is whether one may speak unnecessary words from the time of motzee-matza until after the eating of the afikoman: According
           to Rashi, perhaps one should not speak during this time so as not to interrupt between the beracha on the matza and the afikoman. This is in fact
           the opinion of the Shelah (beginning of Masechet Pesachim), though the Shulchan Aruch (475:1) indicates that this is not required. In addition,
           according to Rashi, one would presumably need to have the afikoman in mind when reciting the beracha of al achilat matza, as opposed to the
           two other opinions.
        7.   According to the Chazon Ovadia, the strict halacha is that only one kezayit is required, but who is stringent is praiseworthy.

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