Page 328 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 328
326 · Hilchot Leil Haseder II Tzurba M’Rabanan
Since our performance of Korech is designed to commemorate the opinion of Hillel, who held that one must
eat the matza and maror together to fulfill the mitzva, it is logical that all of the halachot that apply to eating
matza and maror individually should also apply with regard to Korech, e.g., eating a kezayit of matza and
maror, as well as dipping the maror into charoset. This is indeed the ruling of the Shulchan Aruch:
a Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 475:1 א:העת ח״וא | ע״וש . 20
Afterwards one takes the third matza and breaks it and makes a הנממ עצובו תישילש הצמ לטונ ךכ רחאו
sandwich with the maror, and dips it in the charoset. One says [the רמואו תסורחב הלבוטו רורמה םע הכרוכו
paragraph of] zecher lemikdash k’Hillel (a commemoration of the הביסהב דחיב ןלכואו ללהכ שדקמל רכז
Temple in accordance with Hillel). Then one eats them together רבדב חיסי אל הצמ תליכא לע ךריבשמו
while reclining. From the time that one recites the beracha of al הכירכ לכאיש דע הדועסה ןינעמ וניאש
achilat matza, one must not interrupt with any matter that is not תכרבו הצמ תליכא תכרב הלעתש ידכ וז
related to the meal until he eats this sandwich, in order that the
beracha of al achilat matza and the beracha of al achilat maror :וז הכירכל םג רורמ תליכא
apply also to the sandwich.
In summary: On the Seder night, one must eat two measures of a kezayit of maror (lettuce), one independently
during the stage of Maror and one during Korech together with the matza.
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