Page 326 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 326
324 · Hilchot Leil Haseder II Tzurba M’Rabanan
One should dip the maror in charoset before eating it, but then shake off the charoset from the maror, as
described by the Shulchan Aruch.
a Shulchan Aruch, ibid. א:העת ח״וא | ע״וש . 14
Afterwards, one takes a kezayit of maror and immerses it in ולוכ ונעקשיו רורמ תיזכ חקי ךכ רחאו
charoset, but one should not leave it inside, in order not to nullify לטבי אלש וכותב ונהשי אלו ,תסורחב
the bitterness. And for this reason, one shakes off the charoset רענל ךירצ הז םעטמו ותורירמ םעט
from it. .וילעמ תסורחה
a Mishna Berura 475:13 גי:העת | הרורב הנשמ . 15
And immerses it – In order to kill the poison in it. There are .וכותבש סרא תימהל ידכ – ולוכ ונעקשיו
some places where the custom is not to immerse it entirely; rather אלא ולוכ עקשל ןיגהונ ןיאש תומוקמ שיו
they dip it slightly. .ותצקמ לוביטב
The beracha of borei pri ha’adama is not recited over the maror. Two reasons are given for this.
r Tosafot, Masechet Pesachim 115a .וטק םיחספ תכסמ | תופסות . 16
It seems that one doesn’t need to recite borei pri ha’adama, even בג לע ףא א”הפב ךרבל ךירצ ןיאד הארנ
though the Haggada is considered an interruption, as explained אלו ליעל תישירפדכ קספה יוה הדגהד
previously, and one wouldn’t be exempt with the beracha on the תכרב מ”מ ןושאר לוביט לש הכרבב רטפימ
first dipping [i.e., Karpas]. Nevertheless, the beracha of hamotzee םיאבה םירבד והל הוהד ןתרטופ איצומה
exempts it, as it is considered foods that are brought within the ירהש הדועסה תמחמ הדועסה ךותב
meal due to the meal, since vegetables are an appetizer [lit. they .בלה ןיררוג תוקרי
drag the heart].
r Rosh, Masechet Pesachim 10:26 וכ:י םיחספ תכסמ | ש”אר . 17
The Rashbam explains that one doesn’t need to recite borei ירפ ארוב ךרבל ךירצ ןיאו ם”בשר 'יפו
pri ha’adama because one has already been exempted with the לע ךריבש הכרבב רטפנש יפל המדאה
beracha that one recited over the vegetables [Karpas]. .תוקריה
According to Tosafot, the beracha recited previously during Karpas is not effective for the maror, since the
Haggada interrupts in between. But Tosafot hold that the maror is included in the beracha over bread, since
it does serve a function related to the meal. According to the Rosh citing the Rashbam, the beracha recited
during Karpas is effective for the maror, and apparently the Haggada is not considered an interruption since
it is all part of the Seder. Nevertheless, both agree that as mentioned no beracha is recited on the maror.
2. According to the Gemara (Pesachim 115a), one of the reasons for dipping the maror in the charoset is that the maror may contain some sort of
poisonous substance, which the charoset nullifies. Although people eat maror vegetables the rest of the year without charoset, the Rosh explains
that the Sages did not want to risk any harm befalling someone due to the performance of a mitzva. [Addition of the editors of the English edition]
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