Page 325 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 325

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳ב רדסה ליל תוכלה · 323

        add this novelty that taste is an intrinsic part of the mitzva? In   שיגרהל ךירצ ןיא תמאבד הארנו ,הווצמה
        truth it seems that there is no need to taste the flavor of the maror;   ןפואב ותוא לוכאל ךירצד אלא רורמה םעט
        rather one has to eat it in a manner that one would be able to taste    הז  ןיאד  …רמה  ומעט  וב  שיגרהל  יוארה
        the bitter flavor… for there is no specific definition for what is    ינולפל רמש המו ,רמ ארקנ המ םיוסמ רבד
        called bitter, since that which is bitter for one person is not bitter   …עודיכ ינומלאל רמ וניא
        for another person, as is known…

                          The Manner in Which to Eat the Maror

        In order to fulfill the mitzva of maror, one must eat a kezayit (olive-size) of it. The Sefer Yereim explains
        whenever the Torah mentions the word eating (achila), the measurement must be at least a kezayit. This
        halacha therefore applies to maror, about which it is written “they shall eat it with matzot and maror.”

        r     Sefer Yereim, Siman 94                             דצ ןמיס | םיארי רפס   . 10
        One must eat a kezayit of maror, as “eating” is written regarding it,   ביתכ הליכאד תיזכ רורמה ןמ לכאיש ךירצו
        and eating [is defined] as a kezayit.                               :תיזכב הליכאו היב

        Therefore, it is recommended to measure the pieces of lettuce that one intends to use at the Seder on Erev
        Pesach to ensure that everyone eats a kezayit without complication.
        As opposed to other foods at the Seder, one does not recline while eating maror, as evident from the
        Gemara below.

        h    Masechet Pesachim 108a                                .חק םיחספ תכסמ     . 11

        It was stated: Matza needs to be eaten while reclining, maror   ןיא – רורמ ,הביסה ךירצ – הצמ :רמתיא
        does not need to be.                                                          .ךירצ

        r     Rashi, ibid.                                                םש | י”שר   . 12
        Maror does not need reclining – For this is in commemoration  .תודבעל רכז אוהש – הביסה ךירצ ןיא רורמ
        of the slavery.

        The Shulchan Aruch codifies the halacha of eating maror as follows:

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 475:1                    א:העת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 13
        And one recites the  beracha of “al achilat maror” and eats it  .הביסה אלב ונלכאיו רורמ תליכא לע ךרביו
        without reclining.

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