Page 327 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 327

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳ב רדסה ליל תוכלה · 325


        In order to understand the correct procedure to follow for Korech, we need to first examine a passage in the
        Gemara in Pesachim, which cites the dispute between the Rabbis and Hillel as to how the matza and maror
        were eaten during Temple times.

        h    Masechet Pesachim 115a                               .וטק םיחספ תכסמ     . 18

        They said about Hillel that he would wrap matza and bitter   תבב  ןכרוכ  היהש  ללה  לע  וילע  ורמא
        herbs together and eat them, as it is stated: “They shall eat it   םירורמו תוצמ לע“ :רמאנש ןלכואו תחא
        with matzot and bitter herbs” (Bamidbar 9:11), which indicates    וילע  ןיקלוח  ןנחוי  יבר  רמא  ”.והולכאי
        that these two foods should be consumed together.    תבב ןכרוכ אהי לוכי אינתד ללה לע ויריבח
        Rabbi Yochanan said: Hillel’s colleagues disagree with him, as   דומלת  ןלכוא  ללהש  ךרדכ  ןלכואו  תחא
        it was taught in another beraita: I might have thought that one    הז וליפא והולכאי םירורמו תוצמ לע רמול
        should wrap matzot and bitter herbs together and eat them in   .ומצע ינפב הזו ומצע ינפב
        the manner that Hillel eats them; therefore the verse states:
        “They shall eat it with matzot and bitter herbs,” meaning that
        one may eat even this, the matza, by itself, and that, the bitter
        herbs, by themselves.

        According to the Gemara, the Rabbis and Hillel disagree as to whether the matza and maror were eaten
        together with the korban pesach or separately: Hillel holds that they were to be eaten together, while the
        Rabbis hold that they were to be eaten separately.
        There is no conclusive ruling about this dispute, and the Gemara cited below, in the continuation of the same
        passage, states that one should follow both opinions. Therefore, we first eat the matza and maror separately
        and then during Korech we eat them together in accordance with the opinion of Hillel.

        h    Masechet Pesachim, ibid.                              םש םיחספ תכסמ      . 19
        Now that the halacha was stated neither in accordance with   אלו ללהכ אל אתכלה רמתיא אלד אתשה
        the opinion of Hillel nor in accordance with the opinion of the   רדהו ,ליכאו הצמ תליכא לע ךרבמ ןנברכ
        Rabbis, one recites the blessing: Commanded us over eating    ליכא רדהו ,ליכאו רורמ תליכא לע ךרבמ
        matza, and eats  matza to fulfill his obligation.  And then he    רכז  הכרב  אלב  ידדה  ידהב  אסחו  הצמ
        recites the blessing: Commanded us over eating maror, and              .ללהכ שדקמל
        eats.  And then he eats  matza and lettuce together without
        a blessing in remembrance of the Temple, in the manner of
        Hillel in the days of the Temple.

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