Page 29 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 29

Standing Up While Seeing One Another

                                                 Rabbanit Shani Taragin

             uring the nine days leading up to   that they agreed with him. I will go and inform   in his heart and home to appreciate that
             Tisha B’Av, we usually blame sinat   against them to the Government.” He went and   Bar Kamtza shared his goal of national
             chinam, baseless hatred, for the con-  said to the Emperor, “The Jews are rebelling   survival. Had he done so, a disastrous civil
        Dflicts that plague our society. Very   against you.” He said, “How can I tell?” He said   war would have been avoided.
        often, however, conflicts are not based on   to him: “Send them an offering and see whether   We must not respond to debate with
        petty reasons but on disagreements over   they will offer it.” So he sent with him a fine calf.   hatred, as other societies do; we cannot
        profound issues of principle. Through the   While on the way he made a blemish on it… The   let our principled differences prevent us
        classic story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza   Rabbis were inclined to offer it in order not to   from seeing one another as brothers and
        (Gittin 55b), Chazal explain the complex-  offend the Government. Said Rabbi Zechariah   friends. Rabbi Yochanan’s closing remark
        ities of hatred and the political factors   ben Abkulas to them, “People will say blemished   indicates that Rabbi Zechariah ben Abku-
        which foster animosity:             animals are offered on the altar”... R. Yochanan   las repeated the sin of the silence of the
                                            thereupon remarked: “Through the scrupulous-
        The destruction of Jerusalem came about                                 Sages at the party. They were steadfast
        through Kamtza and Bar Kamtza... A certain   ness of Rabbi Zechariah ben Abkulas our House   in their views – political and halachic, and
        man had a friend named Kamtza and an enemy   has been destroyed, our Temple burnt, and we   yet both chose not to choose, not to see
        named Bar Kamtza. He once made a party and   ourselves exiled from our Land.”  the real problems of hatred and potential
        said to his servant, “Go and bring Kamtza.”   After being publicly embarrassed with no   destruction and not to speak when they
        The man went and brought Bar Kamtza. When   defense from the Rabbis, Bar Kamtza seeks   should have spoken.
        the host found him there he said, “See, you are   revenge through the Roman Emperor! He   The story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza
        mocking me; what are you doing here? Get out.”   was clearly a powerful man, with access to   reminds us that it’s not enough to avoid
        Said the other, “Since I am here, let me stay, and   prominent Roman officials, who was will-  petty arguments to bring healing to our
        I will pay you for whatever I eat and drink.” He   ing to cooperate with the Romans. Perhaps   people. To truly heal our society, we must
        said, “No.” “Then let me give you half the cost   this was the root of the host’s animosity   first understand its complex tensions.
        of the party.” “No,” said the other. “Then let me   towards him; the host belonged to the   Then, when standing for our values and
        pay for the whole party.” He still said, “No,” and   anti-Roman faction, as were the Rabbis   principles, we must be wary of our speech
        he took him by the hand and threw him out.   invited to his party. And so the underpin-  and never forget that those on the other
                                            ning of the story is not baseless hatred but
        The story begins by introducing Kamtza,   rather a fundamental conflict of principles   side are our brothers and sisters. May
        meaning “the miserly one,” and Bar   regarding the future of the Jewish people.   we merit to love one another, even as we
        Kamtza, the “son of the miserly one” – the   Debates were heated, with each side con-  disagree!
        former a friend, and the latter a foe of the   vinced the other would lead the nation to
        anonymous host. Our ill-feelings toward   catastrophe.
        one another begin with how we identify
        ourselves. Are we self-centered, or suffi-  The story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza
        ciently open-minded and open-hearted to   addresses the complex challenge of deal-
        see others? Kamtza and Bar Kamtza reflect   ing with legitimate disagreements over
        an egocentric society of “self” – a father   issues of judicial reform, religious and
        and son with enmity towards others and   political affiliation, security policies, and   Rabbanit Shani Taragin
        perhaps even between themselves.    other matters of principle. The tragic sin   is Educational Director of Mizrachi
                                            occurs when we turn our disagreements
        The Talmud continues with the even more   over issues into conflicts filled with hatred   and the Director of the Mizrachi-TVA
        inexplicable aggravation of the conflict   for our fellow Jews on the other side of the   Lapidot Educators’ Program.
        through Bar Kamtza’s response:
                                            debate. The anonymous host is not criti-
        Said [Bar Kamtza], “Since the Rabbis were   cized for not inviting Bar Kamtza to his   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
        sitting there and did not stop him, this shows   parlor meeting, but for not finding room

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