Page 34 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 34

Creating Freedom Without Anarchy,

                           Order Without Tyranny

                                          Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ל״צז

                     On July 8th, 2014, Operation Protective Edge began in Gaza. Following the kidnap
                      and murder of three Jewish teenagers and rocket fire into Israel, Israel launched
                     what would become a six-week military operation, in which 73 Israelis were killed.
                            During those tense days, Rabbi Sacks published the following article.

              ine days from now, Jewish commu-                                  cry of “Death to the Jews” would once
              nities around the world will sit in                               again be heard in the streets of France
              collective mourning on Tisha B’Av,                                and Germany? But it happened. The new
        Nthe day of Jewish tears. So many                                       antisemitism is not the old antisemitism,
        tears. For the destruction of the First and   The new antisemitism is not   but it tells us that the world’s oldest virus
        Second Temples. For the defeat of the   the old antisemitism, but it tells   of hate has mutated again. The tears of
        Bar Kochba rebellion. For the expulsion   us that the world’s oldest virus   Tisha B’Av have not yet ended.
        of Jews from England in 1290 and Spain   of hate has mutated again.     My concern here, however, is not with the
        in 1492. For the day on which Himmler                                   political, moral and legal issues of what
        was given the go-ahead for Die Endlösung,                               constitutes a just war, but rather with the
        “The Final Solution,” that is, the extermi-  Much of the world has condemned Israel   intense spiritual question that arises for
        nation of the Jews of Europe.       for fulfilling the first duty of any govern-  us at this time of year in the context of
                                            ment anywhere: to defend its citizens from
        Yet as one of the generation born after the   an attack on their lives. What is the alter-  Jewish history as a whole. Why so much
        Holocaust, whose identity was shaped in   native in a situation in which Hamas was   suffering for so long? Have we not lived
        the wake of the Six Day War, I believed that   storing missiles in schools, placing rocket   long enough in the valley of tears? “Shall
        Tisha B’Av and its sensibility belonged to   launchers beside hospitals and mosques,   the Judge of all the earth not do justice?”
        the world of my parents and theirs. It was   using ambulances to transport terrorists,   What is the meaning of this hour? What
        not ours. They were haZorim b’dima and we   placing entrances to tunnels under apart-  does it tell us about the Jewish destiny
        were b’rinah yiktzoru. They had sown in   ment blocks, and using an entire civilian   and fate?
        tears so that we could reap in joy.  population as human shields? As Colonel   At the beginning of time, G-d created the
                                            Richard Kemp, a former commander of   universe in a burst of energy that eventu-
        The past three weeks were very difficult   British troops in Afghanistan, wrote,   ally gave birth to stars, then to planets,
        for Jews around the world but above all   Israel uses “the most sophisticated and   then to life. Among the millions of forms
        for Am Yisrael be-Medinat Yisrael. Rocket   comprehensive means of avoiding civilian   of life that eventually emerged was one
        attacks from Hamas intensified, resulting   casualties yet employed by any army in   different from all the others: Homo sapi-
        in a sustained assault of a kind no country   the world.” And as Princeton political phi-  ens, the only life-form known to us capa-
        in the world has had to face: worse than   losopher Michael Walzer has argued, it is   ble of asking the question, “Why?” On this
        the Blitz in World War II. (At the height of   “a central principle of just war theory that   one being, G-d bestowed the highest token
        the Blitz, on average 100 German missiles   the self-defense of a people or a country   of His love, setting His image and likeness
        were launched against Britain every day.   cannot be made morally impossible.”  on every human individual regardless of
        On average during the present conflict   The worldwide tide of protest was not   colour, culture, creed, or class. He invited
        in 2014, Hamas has fired 130 missiles a   merely against Israel. It was, according to   humanity to become His “partners in the
        day against Israel). We felt the tears of   the foreign ministers of France, Germany   work of creation,” calling us to create what
        the injured and bereaved. We felt for the   and Italy, also against Jews. Did anyone   He Himself had created: freedom and
        Palestinians too, held hostage by Hamas,   think that 120 years after the Dreyfus Trial   order, the order of nature and the freedom
        a ruthless terrorist organization.  and seventy years after the Holocaust the   that allows humans, alone in the universe,

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