Page 39 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 39

The Netziv: A Chovev Zion           from Paris. He also received letters from
                                            well known rabbis and activists in Eretz
               y nature, my father did every-  Yisrael, as well as from simple people…
               thing  necessary, with  iron
               strength, to actualize his dreams   There was no lack of letters from those
        B– though he did so in a pleasant   who opposed the idea of settling the Land.
        manner, with grace. Just as he lifted the   As was his way, my father responded to
        ideal of love of Torah to an extraordinarily   everyone. Sadly, the letters he wrote were
        high level through the Volozhin Yeshiva,   not preserved or gathered, and only a few
        so too did he intensely desire to realize   letters here and there have been saved and
        his ideals in regard to Eretz Yisrael. He was   publicized.
        not satisfied, as most other rabbis were,   My father reacted strongly to news of
        with giving his approval to the settling   people acting “freely” [not in accordance
        of Eretz Yisrael or even by making efforts   with Torah] in some of the new settle-
        to encourage others to make Aliyah. His   ments, and gave direction on how to
        wholeness of soul brought him to the con-  address and remedy the situation. But his
        clusion that he and his family must settle   dedication to Eretz Yisrael never wavered,
        in the Land. Sadly, however, he suffered   even for a moment. Quite the opposite
        the same decree as the teacher of all of   was true; he couldn’t bear it when people
        Israel, Moshe Rabbeinu: “but you will not   spoke badly about Eretz Yisrael, even when
        come there” (Devarim 32:52).        he didn’t suspect the speaker of any bad

        Though the challenges facing the Volozhin   intentions.
        Yeshiva in those days were very difficult   When  a Jew  from  Eretz Yisrael  would   The Netziv
        and complex, and my father was com-  occasionally arrive at our home, he was   seen and heard. After about an hour, we
        pletely immersed in those issues, he   immediately surrounded, and everyone   heard my father yell with anger – some-
        nevertheless spoke constantly about the   would sit with him for hours to ask him   thing that almost never happened – at the
        settlements in Israel among our family.   questions about all matters big and small.   meshulach: “Get out of here, you meragel,
        The “air of Eretz Yisrael,” the “ץ ֶר ֶא ְ ּ ד א ָרי ִו ֲא   These guests would then enter my father’s   you spy!”
        ל ֵא ָר ְש ִי,” was felt throughout our home.   room and speak with him without inter-
        When we received the mail, there were   ruption. One time, a meshulach from a   The meshulach, standing by the door, was
        always several letters among the dozens   yeshiva in Eretz Yisrael, Yechiel Michel the   pale and afraid, and, struggling to get
        that arrived that were related to Eretz Yis-  Yerushalmi, came to visit. He was a pleas-  the words out, asked: “Rebbe, do you not
        rael and the Chibbat Zion movement. He   ant Jew, moderate, and because he had   believe me? Do you suspect that I am a
        received letters from the Vaad in Odessa, of   been to Eretz Yisrael several times, he was   liar?”
        which my father was one of the “gabbaim,”   a distinguished guest in our home. This   My father responded: “No. The meraglim
        and he would receive letters from activists   time, he entered my father’s office as he   also did not tell lies. But it is forbidden to
        like Rav Shmuel Mohilever, Rav Mordechai   normally did to tell him the latest news   speak of the disgrace of Eretz Yisrael, even
        of Brisk, Tzadok HaCohen and Erlanger   from Eretz Yisrael, based on what he had
                                                                                if these things are true. One who speaks
                                                                                negatively about the Land is like a mera-
                                                                                gel!” The Jew asked forgiveness, promised
                                                                                that he would not tell any more negative
                                                                                stories about the Land and quickly and
                                                                                quietly left the house.
                                                                                One of the most distinguished students
                                                                                at the Volozhin Yeshiva, Rav Avraham
                                                                                Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, was particu-
                                                                                larly beloved to my father. He was once
                                                                                asked, “How do you feel in [the Volozhin]
                                                                                Yeshiva?” He answered, “I feel as if I am
                                                                                in Eretz Yisrael,” an answer that was very
                                                                                significant in my father’s eyes.
                                                                                My father was not just a supporter of Eretz
                                                                                Yisrael in spirit; he also acted practically
                                                                                to strengthen the  Yishuv. He was very
                                                                                involved in the Odessa Vaad, to the extent
                                                                                that on Erev Yom Kippur during Mincha,
                                                                                when the yeshiva students put out various
                                                                                “bowls” for tzedakah, he ordered me to sit
        The Volozhin Yeshiva                                                    next to the bowl for “Yishuv Eretz Yisrael,”

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