Page 43 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 43

From the Charedi World

                                         to the IDF

          Binyamin Goffin’s Religious Journey

                                            Yitzchak Hildesheimer

                 irst Sergeant Binyamin Goffin is   Upon officially making Aliyah, Goffin
                 one of 120 soldiers who received   joined the Atzmona Mechina (pre-mil-
                 an award for excellent service   itary preparatory school), where he
            Ffrom President Herzog on Yom    found his place, and after a year, he
             HaAtzmaut. Though he grew up in a   decided to enlist in the IDF. “During
             Charedi household, he says, “In pre-mil-  my time at the yeshiva in Beit Shemesh
             itary training and during my service in   and the preparatory school, my reli-
             the IDF, I was more diligent in observ-  gious commitment grew stronger
             ing the mitzvot and studying Torah   again, and my desire to enlist in the
             than at my parents’ house.”     IDF also intensified,” he says regarding
                                             his enlistment period.
             Goffin grew up in an Charedi environ-  During his initial period in the army,
             ment in Baltimore, United States, in   he studied Hebrew for three months,
             what he describes as a Charedi Lithu-  and that was the only period in which
             anian family. As a child, he studied at   he did not strictly observe mitzvot. “On
             Talmud Torah and attended Charedi   the other hand,” he says, “everyone
             institutions. But during high school,   participated in Shabbat meals, and   (PHOTO: IDF)
             a Charedi institution, “I had questions   the general religious atmosphere was
             and did not observe Shabbat.”   positive.”                       immigrating to Israel and serving
                                                                              in the army. For those individuals, I
             Binyamin explains, “From the age of   Were there any instances when you   would certainly recommend following
             18, I studied at Ashreinu, an Ameri-  encountered disrespect or chal-  this path.”
             can gap-year yeshiva that is Religious   lenges while praying or observing
             Zionist. I became more connected to   Shabbat?                   In a brochure published by the office of
             Religious Zionism, which I knew very   “They usually treated me with respect   the President of the State, which con-
             little about before. Rabbi Gotch Yudin,   and  appreciation,  and they never   tains the details of all 120 outstanding
                                                                              soldiers, it is written that “Binyamin,
             the head of the yeshiva and a real Zion-  attempted to hinder my observance.”  23 years old, immigrated to Israel in
             ist, greatly influenced me when I did   Would you recommend to your   2020 out of a sense of mission and a
             teshuvah,” notes Goffin.
                                             friends from the Charedi society   desire to contribute to the IDF and
             “At that time, they influenced me to   where you grew up to immigrate to   the country. Despite facing language
             make Aliyah. Initially, my parents were   Israel and enlist in the IDF?  difficulties, he successfully completed
             against it, but when they saw that   “Not for everyone, but only for those   a combat medics course.”
             my new community strengthened   who genuinely desire to pursue this
             my Jewish identity, they eventually   path seriously and have the ability    Originally published in Hebrew in Matzav
             accepted my opinion and agreed to   to strengthen their commitment   HaRuach.
             my Aliyah.”                     to observing  mitzvot even after

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