Page 44 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 44
From Efrat to Atlanta:
Raising Awareness of Aphasia
Kally Kislowicz
itan Ashman, 42, was the ulti-
mate community member and
family man. Owner of a property
Emanagement business, CrossFit
instructor, volunteer paramedic, and
ambulance driver, Eitan regularly made
time to give shiurim in Efrat, where he lived
with his wife Leora and their 4 teenagers.
But in 2017, the Ashmans’ world shattered.
Eitan suffered a massive stroke, which Eitan Ashman and Rabbi Johnny Solomon Jeff Weener and Rabbi Adam Starr
extensively damaged the left hemisphere
of his brain. After months in the hospital, for those with aphasia. Aphasia can lead lives. Imagine, for a moment, if you were
he was unable to use his right arm, and to social isolation, so Koach Eitan launched not able to communicate with those
had minimal use of his right leg. Eitan initiatives to promote inclusion. The I’m around you; you couldn’t easily wish
experienced memory loss, chronic pain, ME project encourages people to see your neighbor a ‘Shabbat Shalom,’ make
and fatigue. Most devastating of all, the beyond the disability and connect with the berachah for an aliyah l’Torah, or strike
stroke left Eitan with aphasia, a language the individual. The LET’S TALK initiative up a conversation at a kiddush. You would
disorder that affects communication and offers guidance on how to speak to some- feel alienated and excluded, despite your
comprehension. one with aphasia. Koach Eitan has become community’s best intentions. This Shabbat
a lifeline, fielding calls from people and was an effort to teach the Jewish world,
Eitan’s aphasia, known as Broca’s aphasia, family members who need information, a world so steeped in verbal dialogue
means that he can conceptualize words, support, and assistance navigating the and tradition, how to include those with
but has tremendous difficulty articulating medical system. aphasia.”
them. Following the stroke, Eitan could
only say the word ‘savta’. While he knew Last month, Koach Eitan launched a major Eitan’s continued recovery, like Jeff’s and
what he wanted to say, he was only able awareness campaign: World Aphasia Shab- so many others, is a result of his hard
to repeat this one word. Years of hard bat. On June 16th, 2023, participating work, and the commitment of his family,
friends and community, who have culti-
work and therapy have helped to expand shuls throughout the world learned how
Eitan’s vocabulary, but communication is to understand, communicate with, and vated skills to engage him in conversation
and keep his mind and body active. With
still frustratingly slow. Eitan remains as include those with aphasia and other lan-
intelligent, kind, and funny as ever, but guage impairments. Shul can be intimidat- the help of Rabbi Johnny Solomon, the
Ashmans have developed creative solu-
his language, his comprehension, and his ing to someone who cannot read or speak
ability to read and write are limited. with ease, but these communities learned tions which empower Eitan to participate
how they can make it a welcoming space in day-to-day activities as well as in Jewish
Aphasia has no cure, but many people for those with disabilities. life. Visit to learn more
show improvement over time. And while about these creative approaches to helping
approximately two million Americans World Aphasia Shabbat is a joint project those with aphasia and other language
suffer from aphasia, most people have between Koach Eitan and Congregation Ohr impairments.
never heard of it. The Ashmans are work- HaTorah of Atlanta, where Jeff Weener,
ing to change that. an active member of his community with
aphasia, is a congregant. Jeff reached out
After Eitan’s stroke, Leora created Koach
Eitan (Eitan’s Strength), a Facebook group to Koach Eitan in search of support and
Jewish connection, and with the encour-
intended to provide updates about his
condition. Koach Eitan has since grown agement of Rabbi Adam Starr, World Apha-
into an organization whose mission is to sia Shabbat was born.
spread awareness of and provide resources Efrat resident, Abi Moskovitz explained
for people living with aphasia and or the why this Shabbat was necessary: “Jewish Kally Kislowicz
effects of stroke, and now, also creating a communal life provides us with a religious made Aliyah from Cleveland,
worldwide Jewish network and support and social framework for our everyday Ohio, to Efrat in 2016.
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