Page 23 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
P. 23

“A Great



                                                   Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Reflects on
                                                   Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook

                                                 No Religious Zionist thinker has had a greater impact on the people and
                                               State of Israel than Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, the revolutionary
                                               Religious Zionist thinker whose influence only continues to grow with time.
                                            The following is an edited transcription of a 1959 recording in which Rabbi Joseph B.
                                          Soloveitchik recounts a telling anecdote about Rav Kook. Though many would argue with
                                          his view that Rav Kook “was not a philosopher,” his deep respect for Rav Kook is evident.

              wenty-four  years ago, the only   Many people think Rav Kook was a great   on and off; they ignored Rav Kook’s pres-
              time I was in Israel, I visited a   philosopher. This is wrong. With all my   ence and acted as if he wasn’t there. On
              Stalinist  kibbutz called Kvutzat   reverence for Rav Kook, he was not a   Shabbat morning, they wouldn’t make a
        TKinneret, one of the oldest kib-   philosopher. He was a great religious per-  minyan for him, so he davened by himself
        butzim in Israel. I came to the kibbutz   sonality. To him, Judaism was not an idea;   as they worked the land. At lunch, he
        during the Three Weeks, and I remem-  it was a great experience, a passion, a love   again quietly made kiddush and ate his
        ber it was a very hot day. The workers   and lived reality. He not only compre-  challah, while the kibbutzniks were cooking
        were in the fields, the vineyards and the   hended Judaism with his mind, but also   and sewing.
        orange groves, working very hard. When   perceived it with all five senses. Judaism   After  havdalah, the  kibbutz gathered
        I arrived they called me “rav, rav, rav” in   to him was a sense experience, not an   together and Rav Kook danced with
        a half cynical, half sarcastic way. They   intellectual experience. If you ask me   them.  He  told  them  stories  about  his
                                            what Rav Kook’s philosophy was, I don’t
        had a cynical approach to American Jews   know how to answer; I don’t believe it’s   past, about his father and mother – but
        in general, and particularly towards an   possible to systematize his philosophy.   never indicated any disapproval regard-
        American rabbi.                     But I don’t need to find complete phil-  ing their behavior during Shabbat. On
                                                                                Sunday morning, as he was leaving, he
        I assumed the kibbutz kitchen was treif.   osophical coherence in his writings.   said, “Shalom, lehitra’ot, v’le’echol beyachad
        They offered me some fresh grapes, but   When you read them, it is like a storm   seudah achat,” “goodbye, and may we soon
        I refused to eat them. They asked me,   or powerful tide that is driving you into   eat together as one.” The next day, all the
        “Why won’t you eat, what’s wrong with   lands unknown, into mysterious paths.   dishes were thrown out and the kitchen
                                            His impact is still felt in Eretz Yisrael. A
        grapes?” I explained, “the grapes are treif   few days ago, I spoke with the rabbis of   was kashered.
        in Eretz Yisrael if terumah and ma’aser are   Israel, and ít’s clear they still have great   I can tell you that a cheirem (ban) of the
        not taken; it’s forbidden, just like eating   reverence for Rav Kook, many years after   Agudah’s rabbis wouldn’t have made a
        milk and meat together.” They said that   his death.                    difference [in that kibbutz]. What was the
        the shaliach from the rabbanut comes and                                power he exerted? It was the power of his
        sets apart terumah and ma’aser. But then   Rav Kook once came with his shamash to   religious personality. He was in love with
                                            this kibbutz for Shabbat. They brought
        they said, “we can assure that our kitchen   their own challot and wine because the   Judaism. As Maimonides says, “as one
        is kosher.” When I heard this I opened   dining room then was completely treif.   who is in love with a woman, so should
        my eyes and said: “you have a kosher   On Friday night, they sat down together   a Jew be in love with Judaism, with G-d.”
        kitchen?! What made you introduce a   with everyone else. He made kiddush on    The audio recording of Rav Soloveitchik is
        kosher kitchen?” They then told me the   his wine, hamotzi on the challah, and then   available at Ohr Publishing - Videos of Rav
        following incident, which took place a   benched – he didn’t eat anything else. All   Soloveitchik. Special thanks to Odelia Glausiusz
        few years before.                   night long, the kibbutzniks turned lights   for her help with transcribing this recording.

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