Page 25 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
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what I would be doing in Israel, I would try
my utmost not to embarrass his good name.
I recall, at the time, telling the Rav that I
thank G-d for being a talmid of the Rav and
not a chassid of the Rav! In Chassidic cir-
cles, the Rebbe’s “advice” was a determin-
ing factor on personal decisions. The Rav
never wanted to serve in such a capacity. He
believed that his students had the right to
decide on personal matters even against his
“advice.” As a matter of fact, the Rav had an
overall negative opinion on the doctrine of
“Da’at Torah” – the attitude developed by Rav
Elchanan Wasserman hy”d and the Chafetz
Chaim zt”l – which grants Talmudic scholars
“Torah wisdom” in general areas of life such
as medical issues, politics and the weather.
Questioning the Rav on his thoughts con-
cerning “Da’at Torah,” he responded: “When
you figure it out, come back and tell me.”
On July 1, 1979, en route to JFK Airport to
Rav Soloveitchik and Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler.
begin a new life for myself and my young
“ך ֵלֹוה ְו ףי ִסֹומ” scenario. As we all know, the Jewish majority.” I suggested to the Rav that family in Israel, I received a warm tele-
halacha is in accordance with Beit Hillel! I, if we plug in modern-day coordinates to this phone greeting and blessing from the Rav;
therefore, argued that my future should be ruling, we could say that it would be prefer- he requested of me to keep him abreast of
with the future of our people. able to live in Nazareth – an Israeli city with my undertakings.
I referred to a shiur delivered by the Rav a guaranteed non-Jewish majority – rather
before Pesach, based upon the Haggadah than live in Monsey, NY, in a heavily popu-
story of the Seder in Bnei Brak. The Rav hom- lated Jewish community. My occupational
iletically explained that the Torah giants possibilities in Nazareth would include,
of each generation are deeply concerned perhaps, driving an Egged bus or working
throughout the long night exile about the as a plumber, while in Monsey, there would
fate of the nation: “They were discussing the surely be opportunities in the rabbinate or
Exodus from Egypt all through that night.” I education. Yet the Talmudic ruling says
asked the Rav permission for me to continue “always” when talking about residing in
on this homiletic line: “until their students Eretz Yisrael, irrespective of vocational con- Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler
came and told them: ‘Our Masters! The time sequences! To this the Rav remarked: “It’s a is the Rabbi Emeritus of Ohel Nechama
has come for reciting the morning Shema!’” very nice drasha!” Community Synagogue in Katamon,
It would ultimately be the students – not the The Rav then voiced his concerns that I may Jerusalem, and the Founding Rosh Yeshiva
teachers – who would usher in the redemp- not “find” myself in Israel, and that it would of Yeshivat Bnei Akiva, Ner Tamid, Chash-
tive era. And I saw myself as part of that be a waste losing me in America. He assured monaim. This chapter is excerpted from
Rabbi Adler’s “Seventy Conversations
crowd of students. me that in twenty years’ time, I would be in Transit with HaGaon HaRav Joseph B.
On another occasion, I recall quoting the elected President of the Rabbinical Coun- Soloveitchik zt”l” (Urim Publications, 2021).
Talmudic ruling (Ketubot 110b) that “it is cil of America. To which I retorted, with as
always preferable to reside in Eretz Yisrael much respect as I could muster, “Does the Join me at the
even in a city with a gentile majority, rather Rav have any other ‘blessings’ up his sleeve?” World Orthodox Israel Congress Est. 1902
than living in the Diaspora in a city with a Finally, I promised the Rav that no matter 120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM
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