Page 39 - Demo
P. 39
Website: Jerry Isenberg Many thanks to Dovid Wadler for many things, especially educational programs. The strength of our kehilla is the many people who contribute as above and includes those who set up chairs every Friday and return them on Motzei Shabbat. Also, thanks to Sima Zini and the office staff of Beit Frankforter. Over the past years, we have developed a very positive relationship so that BF feels very much like home. We hope this continues in the future. Sima was very appreciative of the donation by KST of the Ner Tamid in memory of her grandson and his fianc%u00e9e.ACHARON, ACHARON, HAVIV- A SPECIAL THANKS TO SAM KAPUSTIN FOR ALL HIS HARD WORK, DEDICATION AND LEADERSHIP!!!!4. Membership committee- 63 families or single units (117 individuals total), 58 men and 59 women. Three new families/individuals have joined since last membership list (3 family units, total five individuals).5. Treasurer %u2013- In June 2022, we became an AMUTA which requires filings with an accountant, Avraham Myers, CPA. Our compliance filings are now current through 2023. Total receipts are71,000 shekel, including dues and donations and total expenses were 19000, so net is 52000. Expenses include rent, accountant, insurance, kiddush, so budgeting expected to be comparable in the coming year. (A big expense this past year was the AC unit.) Presently cash in the account is just over 70,000 nis. Receipts in 2024 so far have been around 5500 shekel and dues before the High Holidays will likely bring in around 50000nis. Question was raised about tax deductibility. The response was that getting this is a a long and expensive process and still under consideration. Because we now have accumulated funds, the Vaad will continue to discuss future uses of thesefunds for tzedaka, programming etc. Daily tzedakah is distributed through the Yael tzedakah fund to those in need. The financial report was approved.6. Audit Committee- The Audit committee reviewed the financial statements and recommended that they be approved. Approval was passed.7. Election of Vaad- The Takanon (Bylaws) allows a member to serve a maximum of three consecutive two-year terms. Four members of the Vaad are completing a two-year term and have agreed to stand for re-election: Sam Kapustin, Kal Feinberg, Shmuel Goldin, Marty Weisberg. Three members are in the middle of a two-yearterm (Sabine Himmelfarb, Marilyn Mack, and Jack Martell.) Nominations for Vaad were requested in advance of the meeting and at the meeting and none were submitted. The vote for the four current members who stood for re-election was passed.8. Other issues raised:a. Discussion of how to improve visibility for women, especially of the Aron Kodesh. The Vaad will examine this and discuss with Beit Frankforter.