Page 42 - Demo
P. 42
Meeting of KST VAAD July 16, 2024 16 Tammuz 5784 B%u201dHAttendees: Sam Kapustin, Kal Feinberg, Rabbi Goldin (by video), Sabine Himmelfarb, Jack Martell, Marilyn Mack. Marty Weisberga. Electronic board for announcements %u2013 Jerry Isenberg has spent much time and planning inorganizing a potential electronic display linked to information on our website. He provided an impressive sample of what the display might look like when it is projected electronically on a monitor in the lobby, sharing times of tefillah and announcements. This would require KST purchasing a monitor, keyboard, and installation costs. The system has great flexibility for information to be displayed. Jerry has kindly offered to donate the software and atransmitting computer that allows such a system to operate. The equipment we need to purchase may cost around 3000-4000 NIS. The Vaad approved Kal and Jerry exploring the details and proceeding under these conditions. In addition to the electronic monitor displayed in the lobby, times will also be displayed outside the building. BF has given permission for all of this. b. Thanks to Dovid and Frieda Wadler for donating a mezuzah to the Bet Knesset.c. Shabbaton- Marilyn and Jack have worked hard to explore a venue and details of a possible Shabbaton in November. Since a substantial deposit is required, we will need to quickly determine whether enough members are interested in participating to justify making a deposit quickly. Sam has drafted a letter with some details so congregants can respond soon about their interest. We will need positive feedback from 25 couples in order to proceed with this venue and plan. The letter will be posted on KST Whatsapp group and on the KST website.d. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur/membership/dues form: Jack will be working on this form and it will be posted on KST Whatsapp group and on the KST website.Meeting adjourned 5:00 pm Submitted, Sabine Himmelfarb