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                                    Meeting of KST VAAD June, 15, 2024 3:30 10 Sivan 5784 B%u201dHAttendees: Sam Kapustin, Kal Feinberg, Rabbi Goldin, Sabine Himmelfarb, Jack Martell, Marilyn Mack. Marty Weisberg1. Dvar Torah- Rabbi Goldin explained that the parshiot that occur around Shavuot are interesting because they discuss details of traveling in the desert and issues of Kedusha. This teaches us that receiving the Torah (Shavuot) is only impactful if we carry the Torah%u2019s teaching wherever we go and strive for holiness. We pray for the blessing that we can continue to create a community with positive growth and Torah values that we carry with us.2. Follow up on issues raised at the general meeting:a. Moving the Aron Kodesh so women can see it better- This was examined and discussed. After mapping the space, the decision was that it would be very impractical to move the Aron and would provide little benefit to the sightline of most of those in the women%u2019s section . However, it was decided that there will be more announcements during the Tefillah to alert the congregants about what is next in the Tefillah etc.b. Changing the start time- This was discussed and the vote was to keep it at 8:15.c. Dues- An issue raised at the General meeting was whether to lower dues given the amount of funds we have accumulated and our current expenses. The Vaad voted to reduce dues to 250 NIS per person for the coming year and the issue can be re-examined if expenses change in the future. 3. Yomim Noraim- 51 men and 48 women were accommodated last year. There was a request to have two minyanim last year. It was discussed and decided that at present there is no practical need and to do so would also negatively impact the sense of unity in our small Kehilla.4. Programming- To provide meaningful experiences for members and to promote a cohesive kehilla, it was suggested that we organize a KST Shabbaton. Jack and Marilyn volunteered to explore a venue and costs so we can plan a Shabbaton sometime between Sukkot and Chanukah. A scholar-in-residence will be the guest speaker. The Shabbaton would be open to members (perhaps subsidized for members) and for non-members. Volunteers to plan this will be needed. Other program ideas for next spring: A tour, group tickets for a cultural event, atrivia night etc. Again, volunteers will be needed. 5. Tzedakah- Tzedaka collected daily is presently transferred to Yael. Yael has a committee that does due diligence and makes payment to the vendors for items needed by local individuals and families. An alternative suggestion has been made to give our Tzedaka to a contact person known to a KST member. The Vaad voted to continue the Yael program for tzedakah that stays within the immediate community. We will clarify how much is collected from the daily tzedakah.6. It has been suggested that we purchase an electronic board for times for shabbat and weekly notices. etc. This will be explored and considered. Meeting adjourned 4:45 pm Submitted, Sabine Himmelfarb
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