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                                    Meeting of KST VAAD November 10, 2024, 5:30pm 10 CHESHVAN 5785 B%u201dH Attendees: Sam Kapustin, Kal Feinberg, Rabbi Goldin (by video),Sabine Himmelfarb, Jack Martell, Marilyn Mack. Marty Weisberg1. Dvar Torah- Sabine spoke about the many crises that Avraham faced. He used diverse strategiesto deal with crises, depending on the situation. He used negotiation with Lot and the shepherdsand later with Hashem about destroying Sodom and Amorrah. He used military might againstthe four kings to free hostages. With cultures that had dangerous values, like those of Pharoahand Avimelech, he was not naive and he used a desperate manipulation to buy time for Hashemto intervene. And finally, in his ultimate crisis at the Akeida, he demonstrated faithfulacceptance of G-d%u2019s will Our nation currently is faced with almost unbearable crises. We pray tohave the wisdom to know which of Avraham%u2019s strategies to apply in each situation. SeeingAvraham as a model, for our nation and our Kehillah, when there is conflict within our Jewishfamily, we need to negotiate and defend one another, rather than fighting amongst ourselves.When dealing with external enemies, we need to be prepared with military might and with arefusal to be naive about foreign values. But most of all, like Avraham, we need to recognizethat we can prevail, not through our own strength or strategies, but with Hashem%u2019s deliverance.2. Minutes of June meeting were approved.3. Membership report. KST has 72 member units which includes 64 men and 63 women, totaling127 members. Membership has increased. 4. Yamim Noraim report: There were a total of 84 seats for Rosh Hashana and 91 for Yom Kippur.We needed to turn away several people who wanted to reserve, even though a few seats remained empty despite having been reserved. While this is a concern, there is no solution except to continue to request that people relinquish seats if they will not be using them. We will again try to be clear about the absolute maximum number of seats and have a definite deadline for reservations to be as fair and accommodating as possible. We had increased membership and increased requests for seating compared to past year.5. Finance report: Receipts including dues and donations totaling 47,000 NIS. Disbursements(including bank fees, insurance, kiddush, rent, professional fees, shiva meals, shul furnishings and supplies) total 39,940 NIS. This is a net of 7060, with a cash balance of 93600 NIS.6. A request was made and approved to have Gabaim, Rabbis and Baalei Tefilla discuss and decidedetails of Tefilla for the Yamim Noraim and prepare a list for everyone of what tefillot will be said/skipped so there is no confusion.7. A request was made to create a system for people who wish to host others at Shabbat meals tobe matched with those who would like to be hosted. We will work on this.8. Chanukah Event/Trivia night. KST will plan this Chanukah event for December 30 and anannouncement will go out for volunteers and save-the-date.Meeting adjourned 6:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Sabine Himmelfarb
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