Page 22 - Cooking away from China - Cookbook by Catherine Liu
P. 22

Mashed potatoes

                                                                cheese beef tortilla

                                                        This satisfying wonder is all about rich texture and minimal

                                                        ingredients.  There's  something  magical  going  on  in  this
                                                        dish - the melt cheese is stringly and its marriage with the
                                                        tortilla gives you a bite of pizza!
                                                        My mouth is already watering by simply imagining making
                                                        this dish - I can have it everyday!

                                                     1 pan
               low-fat                                                      20 minutes                  pan-frying
                                               1 bowl & 1 plate

            What to Prepare                                            How to Make It

             100g beef mince                             1. Get a pan to a medium-high. Peel and cube your
             1 medium potato                                potato and add to a bowl, with water (or your milk)

             1 tortilla                                  2. to just cover the bottom of the potato cubes.
                                                            Cover with film and send to the microwave to spin
             1 cup mozzarella / 1-2                         for 4 minutes - microwave is a good friend to save

             cheese slices                                  your time!
             2 mixed bell pepper                         3. Whilst the microwave is working, let's prepare for

             1/2 onion (any colour)                      4. the veg - dice the onion and pepper.
                                                            Drop oil onto the pan, add the onion, fry until you
             water (or milk for a                           can smell it and introduce our beef.
             luxurious creamy taste!)                    5. Stir to scatter the beef and as it starts to turn

             salt                                           brown, sprinkle salt and black pepper, stirring
             black pepper                                6. regularly to apply the flavour evenly.
                                                            Stir in the diced peppers, fry until you can smell
             olive oil                                      them and remove everything in the pan to a plate.
                                                            Reduce fire to the lowest.
                                                         7. Remember our potato friend? It has stayed enough
                                                            in the microwave, so take it out, sprinkle salt and
                                                            pepper and simply with a spoon - mash it!
                                                         8. Let's return to the pan - place the tortilla on the
                                                            pan, heat for seconds and turn to the other side.
                                                         9. Again - with your spoon, apply the mashed
                                                            potatoes onto a half of the tortilla down below,
                                                            and cover with the beef mixture.
                                                        10. Introduce our soul of the dish - cheese - spread
                                                            evenly, if you choose the mozzarella, or with the
                                                            cheese slices, simply put a layer of them to cover.
                                                        11. Last but not least, cover with the other half of the
                                                            tortilla, and turn it to another side to melt the
      My final words                                        cheese.

      When applying the mashed potatoes onto            12. Be patient and wait for the cheese to melt, remove
      the tortilla, try removing the pan from the           to the plate and half it to enjoy!
      fire before your tortilla gets too dry!

    22                                        A Taste of the Host Country
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