Page 21 - Cooking away from China - Cookbook by Catherine Liu
P. 21
Tomato beef mince pasta
There's something magical going on in this dish.
Tomato and beef make a good couple. Just let
them stay together for a little longer, they'll reward
you with a taste of authentic Italy.
2 pans boiling
low-fat 20 minutes
1 plate pan-frying
What to Prepare How to Make It
a bunch of pasta (any 1. Bring one pan with salted water to boil and
shape) 2. add pasta to cook for 8 minutes.
Meanwhile, get another pan on to a medium-
salt high.
black pepper 3. Peel the carrot, dice it and the onion.
olive oil 4. Add olive oil to the pan, add onion to fry until
200g beef mince golden, stir in the beef mince.
400g tinned tomato 5. When the beef starts to turn brown - this
2 tbsp tomato puree often only takes 2-3 minutes, sprinkle pepper
1 onion (any colour) and salt and continue stir-frying to evenly
1 medium-sized carrot 6. apply the flavour.
Now let the carrot join them, fry for just
1 cup grated parmasen another 2 minutes and pour tomato into the
cheese pan, stirring to coat the others.
parsley (to serve) 7. Squeeze tomato puree to increase the flavour
of tomato - the amount can be actually
adjusted to your like, that is, if you fancy a
more sour and hence more flavourful taste,
then add more (and vice versa). Just let them
cook for a while.
8. On the other pan, the pasta should have
finished their cooking, so simply transfer
them to the tomato pan, with a little of the
cooking water (about 1/2 cup).
9. Bury the pasta in the sauce and cook for
about 5 minutes or until the water in the pan
My final words starts to drain, stir in the parmesan cheese
Feel free to refrigerate any remained for a last 2 minutes - in fact, the longer they
sauce if you cannot consume them all cook, the more flavour you'll get!
this time (of course it will taste the best 10. Remove to a plate, sprinkle some parsley and
when fresh), but just remember to find yourself in Italy!
consume them within 2-3 days!
A Taste of the Host Country 21