Page 17 - Cooking away from China - Cookbook by Catherine Liu
P. 17

Roast cumin lamb loin/chop

                                                               with Brussels sprouts

                                                       Cumin and lamb - forever friends!

                                                       This is one of my signature dishes. There's not much
                                                       effort needed for this dish - all you need is a little bit
                                                       of  patience  for  the  magic  to  happen.  It  definitely

                                                       deserves your time.

              gluten-free                          1 pan                    40 minutes
                                                                                                        & roasting

        What to Prepare                                              How to Make It

           1 lamp loin/chop                            1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C/400˚F/gas 6,

           200g Brussels sprouts,                         bring a pan of salted water to boil.
           washed                                      2. Season the lamb with soy sauce and
                                                          massage it with cumin - I am never shy with
        Soul of the lamb                                  the cumin, because I love its heavenly smell,
           2 tbsp light soy sauce                         especially with the lamb!

           ground cumin                                3. Trim the Brussels and peel away any tatty
                                                          outer leaves, halving any larger ones and
       Soul of the Brussel sprouts                        keeping the smaller ones whole, add the

           olive oil                                      sprouts to the pan to parboil for 3 minutes.
           water                                       4. Whilst waiting, I like to make use of the time
           salt                                           and cover a roasting tray with a layer of

           pepper                                         baking paper – to save the washing job -

                                                          transfer the seasoned lamb on the tray and
                                                          on the side facing the heat.
                                                       5. Now drain the sprouts and leave to steam
                                                          dry for about 5 minutes, before allowing
                                                          them to join the lamb – I am usually not in a

                                                          rush to do so, because they are already
                                                       6. Add the Brussel sprouts on the tray and

                                                          coat with olive oil, add a pinch of salt and
                                                          pepper, toss well, and off them go, send to
                                                          the oven for 25 minutes.
      My final words                                   7. Remove from oven, let calm for a couple of

      There is every reason to cook the Brussel           minutes and enjoy!
      sprouts with both boiling and roasting -
      boiling helps reserve their freshness,
      whilst roasting adds up to the crispness.
      This is a method I invented without
      expectation - but it turned out so well!

                                           A Taste of the Host Country                                            17
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