Page 25 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 25

Guide Students with Handbook Activities

                                               Who Matters to Me?

        As they insert pictures in the windows of the apartment house, students will reflect on who matters to them.
        Encourage students to use their voices in letting these special people know how much they matter.

                         You Matter                                You Matter, Everyone Matters

         Help your students understand that others may not      In  this  connect-the-dot  activity,  students  will  be
         always  notice  or  comment  on  their  actions  (i.e.,   figuratively connecting everyone together. Reinforce
         how they matter). What truly matters, however, is      the  concept  that  we  all  are  connected,  and  that  the
         that  they  make  meaningful  contributions  and  feel  world  needs  everyone  bringing  their  best  selves  in
         good about them.                                       the making of a better world.

                            Help Them Dig Deeper – Research Project

        Not only are people dependent on other people,           Bees and flowers             Sharks and remora fish
        but  all  living  things  are  dependent  on,  and       Cattle and cattle egrets     Coral and algae
        interconnected  with,  other  living  and  non-living
        things.  In  the  case  of  certain  animal  pairings    Lichen (algae/fungi pairing)  Crocodile and plover bird
        and animal/plant pairings, there is an especially        Honey badger and honey       Clownfish and sea
        strong (sometimes mutual) relationship between           guide                        anemones
        them.  Explain  the  concept  of  symbiosis  to          In learning about interdependence outside of the
        students and let them explore the cases of such          human world, students may better understand
        interdependence, for example:                            interdependence within and beyond it.

                        Encourage More Reading – at Home, at School

             Interdependence Among Living Things                                          We All Matter

                                                                                      Be You!
        And Then the Seed Grew             How to Clean a Hippopotamus                Big Feelings
        Animal Partners                    If You Take Away the Otter                 Maybe
        Because of an Acorn                Many Biomes, One Earth:                    Sun Shines Everywhere
        Becoming a Good Creature           Exploring Terrestrial Biomes of            When You Need Wings
        Carl and the Meaning of Life       North and South America                    Why Am I Me?
        Forever Tree                       Over and Under the Pond                    World Needs Who You Were
        Great Kapok Tree                   Over and Under the Rainforest              Made to Be
        Honey-Honey-Lion!                  Over and Under the Snow
                                                                                      You Are a Beautiful Beginning

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