Page 20 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 20

BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time
                        Area of Focus: Personal & Community Well-Being

                        Topic: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion
                        Level 2: Learn, Ages 5-8

                     TEACHER GUIDE: THE DAY YOU BEGIN

                                                       Book 8 of 10

            Share the Book                                           Initiate Discussion

                                                             How does the author show ways in which people may
                                                             feel different from others? Have students suggest other
                                                             ways that may make a person feel different.

                                                             Is the feeling of separateness that Angelina experiences
                                                             one that is shared by many children?  Ask students if
                                                             they have ever experienced this, and how they

                                                             Why does the author move between many different
                                                             characters, noting their feelings, throughout the book?
              THE DAY                                        Explore with students why the author starts and ends the
                                                             book with Angelina and her thoughts.
          YOU BEGIN

                                                             How might sharing of stories help with appreciating
          by Jacqueline Woodson                              differences and improving understanding of others?

                                     Coordinate Group Activities

             Being on the Outside,                                                   Jitter Jar
                       Looking In

                                                                     Ask  students  to  share  (anonymously)  a  short
         Share  the  double  page  spread  from  the                 note  about  what  makes  them  feel  nervous  or
         book where five children are playing happily                jittery in a new situation. Place these "jitters" in
         on the left-hand side, and one lonely boy is                a “jitter jar” and, sharing one at a time, have the
         sadly  looking  on  from  the  right-hand  side.            class  discuss  ways  of  handling  them.  As
           Divide  the  class  into  groups,  and  have              students learn that others have “jitters” like their
                                                                     own,  they  should  be  less  self-conscious  and
         each group imagine they are the five happy                  more willing to share their personal stories. Use
         children.  What  could  they  do  or  say  to               the  “jitter  jar”  throughout  the  year,  allowing
         encourage  the  lonely  child  to  join  their              students to dispose of their jitters whenever the
         happy circle?                                               need arises.

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