Page 17 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 17
Guide Students with Handbook Activities
Family Fry Bread Day Memories from Family Fry Bread Day
To remember this special time, students will draw
This activity is designed to invite family engagement.
Send a note home to parents stating the purpose pictures or take photos documenting their
and importance of this activity. Encourage parents to experience with their family. Guide students in
set aside some time so they may enjoy this special showing the sequence of events, having them
family experience with their children. Remind record their activities step-by-step. For example,
students to share the story from the book while they may wish to show: 1) the ingredients; 2)
preparing the bread with their parents. making the dough; 3) frying the bread; and 4)
enjoying fry bread with their family.
Help Them Dig Deeper – Research Project
There are indigenous groups in our area students can study. Have them find out which tribes these are, where
members live, and what their daily lives are like. Do any of them live on reservations? How similar or different
are their lives from those of other Americans? Do they, too, eat fry bread? How do they celebrate their culture?
Encourage More Reading – at Home, at School
Food and Culture Native American Life
Almost Time Awâsis and the World-Famous Bannock
Amy Wu and the Perfect Bao Day with Yayah
A Big Mooncake for Little Star Dream Wolf
Bilal Cooks Daal Forever Sky
Cora Cooks Pancit The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
Dim Sum for Everyone Grandmother's Dreamcatcher
Everybody Cooks Rice Hiawatha and the Peacemaker
Freedom Soup I Am Sacagawea
Hot Pot Night! Indian Shoes
My Day with Gong Gong The Most Amazing Bird
Ohana Means Family Range Eternal
Salma the Syrian Chef Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific
Tea Time Around the World The Story of Jumping Mouse
Thank You, Omu! Thunder Boy Jr.
Thunder Cake We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga
Vamos! Let's Go Eat We Are Water Protectors
Watercress When the Shadbush Blooms
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