Page 12 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 12

BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time
                        Area of Focus: Personal & Community Well-Being

                        Topic: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion
                        Level 2: Learn, Ages 5-8


                                                       Book 4 of 10

             Share the Book                                           Initiate Discussion

                                                            Ask students to consider what humans would look like if
                                                            they had no skin.  Do they feel lucky to have the skin they
                                                            live in that so beautifully holds the “YOU who’s within"?

                                                            Invite students to consider the various purposes and
                                                            functions of skin in the human body.

                                                            Review the food/skin comparisons from the book. If
                                                            students were to pick a food to describe their own skin
                                                            color, what food would they pick?  If they had an option to
                                                            keep changing the color of their skin to mimic various
                                                            foods, would the purpose of their skin change? What
                                                            would they think if the skin covering of all their favorite
               THE SKIN                                     foods was the same color?

           YOU LIVE IN                                      Allow students to consider whether skin color has

                                                            anything to do with a person’s imagination, creativity,
                 by Michael Tyler                           talents, hopes, and dreams.

                                     Coordinate Group Activities

         An Apple is an Apple is an Apple...                             Role Playing – Be a Plum

        Many  fruits  and  vegetables  come  in  different  colors,  Divide the class into two groups, the black plums and the
        shapes and sizes (peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, plums,    red plums, who all live happily in one neighborhood.  In
        apples, grapes, etc.). Bring several types of fruits and/or  comes a green plum (you – the teacher – can play this
        vegetables to class, making sure you have at least three  part), who feels nervous, anxious, and somewhat out of
        varieties of each type. Ask your students to consider the  place  amidst  neighbors  that  seem  so  different.  Invite
        best way to sort or classify them. Color, shape, size or  both  groups  to  make  suggestions  on  how  they  might
        function?  Guide  students  to  understand  that  despite  make you feel more at home. You may share specifics
        differences in color/shape/size, an apple is an apple and  on how you – the green plum – feel.  Encourage the red
        a potato is a potato. None of the differences disqualifies  and black plums to support the green plum by providing
        them  from  belonging  with  their  group.  This  is  because  reasons  to  give  friendship  a  chance.  You  may  note  all
        the skin we live in and what it covers does not change   suggestions  on  a  vision  board  that  guides  students  in
        what  or  who  we  are  –  whether  we’re  talking  about  an  adopting an inclusive mindset.
        apple, potato or person.
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