Page 8 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 8

BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time
                        Area of Focus: Personal & Community Well-Being

                        Topic: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion
                        Level 2: Learn, Ages 5-8


                                                       Book 2 of 10

             Share the Book                                           Initiate Discussion

                                                          How do the students perceive the word “different” when it is
                                                          used to describe another? How does it make them feel about
                                                          that person?

                                                          Invite students to share ways in which people may be different.
                                                          Do they feel awkward or comfortable when they meet someone
                                                          who is different? How does this feeling affect their actions?

                                                          Do students find it easier to be with someone who is similar to
                                                          them? Ask students to share ways that help them feel
                                                          comfortable around people who are different from them.

                                                          Have students imagine themselves meeting the author of this

          IT'S OKAY TO                                    book in a park. Do they think they would be comfortable being
                                                          themselves with him? Why?
         BE DIFFERENT                                     Who would your students prefer to be friends with – a person

                                                          who accepts them the way they are – even though they are
                   by Todd Parr                           different – or one that wants to change them? Why?

                                     Coordinate Group Activities

              The Iceberg of Differences                                    Welcome our Visitors from
                                                                                     Planet Zuptar
      Draw a large iceberg where the top is above water and
      the rest is below. Explain that the top shows what is             After  students  have  created  their  visitors
      visible  to  the  eye  and  the  bottom  shows  what’s  not.      from  Planet  Zuptar  (in  their  student  activity
      Invite  students  to  share  differences  that  are  visible,     handbook),  have  them  share  their  creatures
      recording these at the top of the iceberg. Then invite            and describe them.  How would each student
      them  to  think  of  differences  that  are  not  visible,  but   react  to  their  visitor?  How  would  they  make
      are  important  in  making  a  person  who  they  are.            them  feel  welcome?  What  questions  would
      Record these at the bottom of the iceberg. This activity          they  want  to  ask  them?  What  would  they
      allows students to reflect on both sets of differences            want to share about themselves? Help them
      and how they might affect their acceptance of others.             understand     that   differences    are   not
      During the school year, invite students to return to the            obstacles  to  friendship,  and  may  make
      Iceberg and add to the list of differences.                       friendship more rewarding.
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