Page 6 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 6
BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time
Area of Focus: Personal & Community Well-Being
Topic: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion
Level 2: Learn, Ages 5-8
Book 1 of 10
Share the Book Initiate Discussion
Do all humans have good and not-so-good moments like
the boy from the book? Have students share similar
good and not-so-good personal experiences that made
them recognize and accept that they are human.
How does caring for others make us human? Have
students share ways in which they care for others
around them.
The book shares that humans have the power of choice
and action – ask students on how they practice their
“powers” to turn a bad day into a good day or a poor
choice into a better one for themselves and/or others.
A BOOK OF EMPATHY How can the understanding that friends and family are
also human – just like us – help with moving beyond
by Susan Verde differences and misunderstandings?
Coordinate Group Activities
Everybody Makes Mistakes We're All Human –
Two Truths and a Lie
Share a mistake from your life, letting students
know your takeaway from it: how you made it right
or how you learned from it. Invite students to Introduce Two Truths and a Lie to your students in
anonymously share a mistake from their lives. which they share three experiences which show
Present a few, encouraging the class to talk about them as “human” – two must be true, one must be
reasons why the mistake may have happened and a lie. Kick off the activity yourself, inviting the
what could be learned from it. Once discussed, students to find your lie. Then have students think
mime tossing away the mistake and the negative deeply about what they could share, and allow
feeling associated with it. This activity will help time for each to participate. This activity allows
children recognize that we all make mistakes, can children to recognize that we're all human and to
learn from them, and do better in the future. relate to each other's experiences with empathy.