Page 9 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 9

Guide Students with Handbook Activities

       Visitor from Planet Zuptar

       As students create their visitors from Planet Zuptar, guide them in understanding that regardless of
       how  different  they  may  be,  they  should  be  able  to  accept  these  differences  and  look  forward  to
       welcoming these visitors as friends.

       Find Your Buddy

       This two-part activity will help students establish a sense of self and reflect on the role this plays in
       making friends.  Remind students that even though they may naturally choose friends with similar
       interests, they can also choose to befriend others who are starkly different.  While friends come in all

       colors,  shapes,  and  sizes,  it  is  who  they  are  on  the  inside  that  truly  matters.    Most  importantly,
       encourage students to think about what motivates their choices.

                           Help Them Dig Deeper – Research Project

        Have students research a differently-abled person who has made a fabulous contribution to the world.
        How did their abilities help or hinder their work? What obstacles did they face and what traits, skills,
        and knowledge allowed them to ultimately triumph?

                       Encourage More Reading – at Home, at School

        Other Books by Todd Parr                                    Our Unique Selves

                                                                      Bad Guys #1
          Be Who You Are
          The Don't Worry Book                                        Chrysanthemum
                                                                      Eyes That Kiss in the Corners
          The Earth Book
          The Family Book                                             The Fearsome Five
                                                                      Giraffe Problems
          The Feel Good Book
          The Feelings Book                                           I Am Enough
                                                                      I Talk Like a River
          It's Okay to Make Mistakes
          The Joyful Book                                             I'll Walk with You
                                                                      The Itty-Bitty Kitty-Corn
          The Kindness Book
          The Peace Book                                              The Name Jar
                                                                      Not Quite Narwhal
          The Spring Book
          The Thankful Book                                           Superluminous
                                                                      What’s the Difference? Being Different is Amazing

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