Page 4 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 4

Teacher Reflection Guide

                                 BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time

                                 Area of Focus – Personal & Community Well-Being
                                 Topic 4 – Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

          Recognizing that all teachers, children, and classroom environments are distinct, this guide

          hopes to inspire teachers in finding their unique voice – through reflection – to support
          personal & community well-being.

          In exploring and sharing this program in your classroom, reflecting will allow you to draw
          upon experiences, refine perspectives, and expand the scope of possibilities throughout
          every phase of the program.

          Significance of Reflection in Every Phase

           1       R E V I E W                                     2        R E V E A L

                   Reflection in this phase will allow                      Reflection in this phase will allow

                   you to set objectives and determine                      you to present the program in a
                   how this program may be applied.                         manner strategically designed to
                   The aim is for students to have an                       provoke thought, encourage
                   enriching experience and reach a                         questions, and bring about change.
                   deeper understanding of the topic.

           3       R E S P O N D                                   4        R E V I S I T

                   Reflection in this phase will allow                      Reflection in this phase will allow
                   you to appropriately observe and                         you to evaluate the program
                   respond, seizing every teachable                         journey: reception by students;
                   moment.                                                  achievement of desired outcomes;
                                                                            and future enhancements.

               "We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience."

                                                       – JOHN DEWEY
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