Page 7 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 7
Guide Students with Handbook Activities
What Makes Me Human
In completing this activity, encourage your students to refer to the story to determine which speech
bubbles reflect being human. Guide your students toward the idea that they should not expect to be
perfect, but should always strive to improve themselves.
The Caring Tree
In this ongoing activity, students will add a leaf each time they do something especially caring for
someone else or someone else does something especially caring for them. This is intended to be a
self-reinforcing activity, encouraging acts of kindness among students. In the course of working on
this activity, help students understand that kindness begets kindness, and guide them to recognize
that kindness is not a temporary act, but something to practice over a lifetime.
Help Them Dig Deeper – Research Project
Encourage students to choose a famous person to study – a sports idol, scientist, historical figure,
etc. – and look for mistakes they may have made during their lives. Understanding that mistakes
can be made by even the smartest and most successful people may ease student fears, and help
them be less judgmental of themselves and others. It’s important for children to understand that
imperfections are part of being human.
Encourage More Reading – at Home, at School
Other Books by Susan Verde Making Mistakes Empathy
Hey, Wall The Bad Seed Be Kind
I am Love: A Book of Compassion Beautiful Oops! Be Kind: You Can Make a
I am One: A Book of Action The Book of Mistakes World a Happier Place!
I am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness It's Not My Fault! The Cool Bean
I am Yoga It's Okay to Make Mistakes Each Kindness
The Museum The Magical Yet I Walk With Vanessa
The Three Little Yogis and the Wolf The Most Magnificent Thing If You Plant a Seed
Who Lost his Breath A Whale of a Mistake The Kindness Book
The Tossy-Turny Princess and the A Map into the World
Pesky Pea My Heart
The Water Princess Tomorrow I'll Be Kind
You and Me When We Are Kind
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