Page 10 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 10
BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time
Area of Focus: Personal & Community Well-Being
Topic: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion
Level 2: Learn, Ages 5-8
Book 3 of 10
Share the Book Initiate Discussion
What does the word “welcome” mean to students? Do
they think people can sense when they’re being
Invite students to share their special talents in welcoming
people. Can they think of other ways to be welcoming?
What would be an easy practice to adopt so others feel
welcome in the classroom, school, and neighborhood?
Can students sense when they are not welcome? How
does that make them feel? Do they think others feel the
same way?
ALL ARE WELCOME How does a welcoming environment help everyone learn,
by Alexandra Penfold play and be their best selves?
Coordinate Group Activities
Out of Many, One
Welcoming Members
Introduce students to the concept of the mosaic of
people that comprises our country. Share a simple graph of the Community
330 million people live in the United States. To highlight the mosaic that comprises our
Of these, 25% (over 80 million) were born in other community, invite unique people to share
countries or are children of those born in other information about themselves with your class.
countries (i.e., 1st and 2nd generation Americans). These could be parents or grandparents of your
12% (40 million) were born in other countries (i.e., students or members of your broader community.
1st generation Americans). Have them share their personal stories, perhaps
their arrival story; aspects of their culture;
First generation immigrants come from over 100
countries around the world. (That’s about half of all information about their occupations, special
existing countries.) Share a world map, explaining that – abilities, or passions. Encourage your students to
throughout history – people have come here from all be welcoming to the classroom guests, show
over the globe. Ask students about their own ancestry to respect, and ask appropriate questions.
show how many countries are represented in your class.
We are a nation of immigrants...