Page 15 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 15
Guide Students with Handbook Activities
Draw Your Own “Same, Same but Different” Worlds
Students can enjoy, first-hand, the Same, Same but Different experience with a friend. Before starting,
encourage students to talk to their “portrait” friends about the things that are most important to them so they may
represent them in their drawing. Have students consider how these similarities or differences affect their
relationship – do they add difficulty, richness, excitement, unexpected outcomes?
Match the Different Stamps
This activity is designed to help children understand that despite superficial differences, there are many
underlying similarities across cultures. No matter what country children are from, they all have people, places,
and things that are significant in their lives.
Help Them Dig Deeper – Research Project
Many students may be interested in having their own Once arranged, students may start by exchanging
real pen pals after reading about Kailash and Elliot. pictures or letters showing aspects of their own lives
You may have a colleague or friend living abroad – their families, typical activities, games they play,
with whom you could set up a pen pal project. There books they read, favorite foods… In this way,
are also several websites offering this possibility. students will participate in sharing country and
(For safety reasons, mail should be shipped in bulk culture, learning about ways we are different and
to and from yourself.) ways we are the same.
Encourage More Reading – at Home, at School
Fiction: Similarities/Differences Non-Fiction: Similarities/Differences
Colors of Us Back to School: A Global Journey
Dear Primo Barefoot Books: Children of the World
Elephant & Piggie: Can I Play Too? Children Just Like Me: Food Like Mine
Frog & Toad All Year Children Just Like Me
Giraffes Can't Dance Children Just Like Me: A School Like Mine
Last Stop on Market Street Come Out and Play: A Global Journey
Name Jar This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of
On the Same Day in March Seven Kids from around the World
Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family To Be a Kid
Toot & Puddle What We Wear: Dressing Up Around the World
Whoever You Are World Together
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