Page 24 - Teacher Guide Book
P. 24
BookConnect: Building Community One Book at a Time
Area of Focus: Personal & Community Well-Being
Topic: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion
Level 2: Learn, Ages 5-8
Book 10 of 10
Share the Book Initiate Discussion
What does the author mean when he says that everything – large
or small, near or far – matters? Do students agree or disagree?
Why would ants, mosquitos, and things that can only be seen
through a microscope, matter?
Does everyone – at some point in their lives – feel they do not
matter? What are some possible reasons a person might believe
this? Do students think the author himself ever felt this way?
Continuing along this track, ask students if they have ever felt
they did not matter. Why? What do they think the author of this
book would say if he heard them voice this thought? (Following
this discussion, read the author’s dedication at the beginning of
the book: “For anyone who isn’t sure if they matter, you do.”)
YOU MATTER Is it important for people to feel like they matter? How might
people act if they felt they did not matter? How might they act if
by Christian Robinson they felt they did matter?
Coordinate Group Activities
We’re All Connected “You Matter” Mail Service
The idea that everyone matters and we are all To emphasize the importance of expressing
connected will be reinforced through this game of feelings of gratitude towards others, let your
“Invisible String”. The first person to go will state students know the class will be starting its own
their name and why they matter. The next person mail service. You (the teacher) may get this started
will repeat it and follow up with their own statement. by writing a note to each student, explaining how
This will go on until all students and the teacher they're special and why they matter – a note they
have had a turn. By having each person state why may treasure for years to come. Then have your
they matter and be recognized by another for why students write their own "you matter" notes to
they matter, students will get a better sense of their whomever they wish. Urge students to express
classmates, reasons for “mattering”, and the inter- their gratitude to others – freely and often.
connectedness of all.