Page 22 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services-1010 Grant
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When you select us to be on your project team, DCI+MacINTOSH will regularly communicate with
you throughout the design process to review project expectations and to make scope of service
adjustments if necessary. To guide our staff and yours, please see the attached deliverables listing
for each phase to begin our basic project collaboration. Should this not meet your project goals,
please let us know so we can adjust those to help us meet your expectations.
Schematic Design (SD): DCI+MacINTOSH attends the kick-off meeting; shares applicable codes
and standards with the team; confirms the project owner’s requirements for the structural system;
assists in the selection of structural systems for both gravity and lateral designs; provides structural
criteria to the geotechnical engineer; prepares preliminary structural analysis of the selected
structural system; prepares studies of alternate structural systems; and prepares schematic-level
framing plans with sufficient detail to aid in a structural cost estimate by the contractor/estimator.
DCI+MacINTOSH’s SD documentation is prepared as redlines to architectural PDF files, in lieu of
REVIT modeling. DCI+MacINTOSH will inform the architect/client if additional information is
required to proceed to the next phase of design.
Design Development (DD): During this phase of design, DCI+MacINTOSH meets with the
architect and the owner’s representative to discuss proposed structural systems. The engineering
team attends design and coordination meetings; prepares DD-level analysis of the gravity and
lateral systems; prepares DD-level drawings for the Primary Structural Frame; coordinates with the
architect to prepare floor plans; and develops preliminary structural specifications.
DCI+MacINTOSH’s DD documentation is as electronic drawings prepared with REVIT.
DCI+MacINTOSH will inform the architect/client if additional information is required to proceed to
the next phase of design.
Construction Documents (CD): During the CD phase, DCI+MacINTOSH staff attends design and
coordination meetings; prepares structural drawings and calculations; provides structural
specifications; provides requirements for special inspections per code during construction; and
reviews the CD cost estimate composed by others. DCI+MacINTOSH’s CD documentation comes
as electronic drawings prepared with REVIT for submittals to the permitting agency.
Permitting: At this phase, DCI+MacINTOSH responds to plan review comments and provides
updated documents as necessary to receive the building permit.
Bidding & Negotiation: At this phase, DCI+MacINTOSH responds to bidder, reviews comments,
and provides updated clarifications and documents as necessary.
Construction Administration: DCI+MacINTOSH will respond to RFIs and review submittals, field
request changes, and special inspection reports. Review submittals from fabricators and
subcontractors. Submittals limited to 2 reviews. Additional reviews or increased review time may
require Additional Services. Provide ten (10) structural observation site visits for limited visual
observations of structural components for general conformance to the approved Construction
Documents. We will provide documented field report identifying observed non-compliance items.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) – Structural Design Scope of Services
DCI+MacINTOSH will use Autodesk Revit® to create a structural model for the Primary Structural Frame and
non-primary structure as defined in the Scope of Engineering Services. The structural model will have a level of
development (LOD) between LOD 200 and LOD300 as defined by AIA Document G202™-2013, “Project
Building Information Modeling Protocol Form.” The structural BIM model can be used by the design team to
check design conflicts with the primary structure. Elements of the structural model are modeled as generalized
systems or assemblies with approximate quantities, size, shape, location and orientation. The structural model
is not intended for use for construction dimensions, such as shop drawings, layout, etc. The structural model
can be made available to the contractor for informational purposes, provided that such use is at the contractor’s
own risk and is subject to the execution of DCI+MacINTOSH’s standard Digital Media and Waiver Agreement.
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