Page 24 - Bernardon Proposal for Design Services-1010 Grant
P. 24
o Slabs, decking, joists, beams, girders – typical size, orientation, and typical spacing (the
architect owns slab edges/edge of decking).
o Wood & CFS joists/trusses – typical size and spacing only (exact location and profile will be at
the discretion of the contractor/supplier unless noted otherwise).
o Secondary structure including connections, ledgers, drag struts, stairs, railings, miscellaneous
wall braces/backing, small canopies and/or sun shading devices, etc. will not be shown in the
model. These elements may be shown with 2D lines and annotations on the plan/elevation
sheets or will be shown in the details, provided they are included in the Scope of Engineering
Revit® – Plans, elevations and details.
o Rebar/PT information noted by 2D annotation.
o Custom shapes/trusses – representation only.
DCI+MacINTOSH is assumed to be the Model Element Author (MEA) of the primary structural model elements
for the Construction Documents. Elements contained within the structural model and authored by the structural
modeler will be at the discretion of DCI+MacINTOSH based on the need for the final drawing and model
deliverables. Basic Services include the modeling of structural elements typically found on the plans or
elevations. Other secondary structure will be clarified by the details or represented as lines and text annotation
in 2D and will typically not be modeled.
PDF of Revit® Model
Refine, coordinate, and finalize model of Primary Structural Frame. The model will typically contain:
o Footings, foundations, and slab-on-grade (SOG may be copy monitored). Minor slab
recesses, slopes, etc. may not be modeled.
o Columns, bearing walls, shear walls, basement walls, etc.
o Wood & cold formed steel CFS 3D elements indicating bearing and shear wall lines (architect
owns wall envelopes). Individual studs, posts, and headers within the typical wall assembly
will not be shown unless they represent non-typical conditions.
o Braced frames – primary members and locations.
o Slabs, decking, joists, beams, girders – size, orientation, and location (the architect owns slab
edges/edge of decking).
o Wood & CFS joists/trusses for depth and typical spacing only (exact location and profile will be
at the discretion of the contractor/supplier unless noted otherwise).
o Secondary structure including connections, ledgers, drag struts, stairs, railings, miscellaneous
wall braces/backing, small canopies and/or sun shading devices, etc. will not be shown in the
model. These elements will be shown with 2D lines and annotations on the plan/elevation
sheets or will be shown in the details.
Revit® – Plans, elevations, and building sections (if necessary).
o Rebar/PT layouts will be shown as lines in 2D and will be annotated with text on the plans,
elevations, and sections.
o Ledgers, drag struts, bracing, and other elements commonly shown on plans will be
represented by line work in 2D and will be annotated with text.
o Bidder designed shapes/trusses – representation only. Custom shapes/trusses may be
shown in the model.
o Details and general notes.
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